Saturday, December 28, 2019

Why Religion is Still such a Strong Force in Contemporary...

Today’s world was not one that was theorised to happen. It was believed that over time, there would be a decline in religion. It seems though that the opposite has happened. Religion is now on the rise in both Western and Eastern countries. It can be said that Religion is still very strong force in today’s society (Landmark Digital Limited 2005). This essay will respond to the question of why Religion is still such a strong force in contemporary society. The essay will look at the idea of modernity and fundamentalism and then present three arguments to why religion is still such a force despite theorist claiming that secularisation would rid the world of religion. These arguments are; firstly, globalisation has caused a uprising of fundamentalism due to the clash of civilisations, secondly, people seek the security religion gives them when the state fails to do so and, thirdly, in the western world, people still seek out religion due to the feeling of ‘emptinessâ €™ the lifestyle of the West has given them. Modernity was proposed by many sociologist such as Marx and Weber and it stated that over time as the world became more modernised and scientific advancements occurred, a decline in religion would occur in society and the mind of the individual (Kobez-Halvarson 2004). This is what was called the secularisation thesis. Secularisation is the detachment of the state from religious foundations (secularization 2009). Globalisation allowed this idea to infiltrate all corners orShow MoreRelatedReligion Is A Social Institution Essay1378 Words   |  6 PagesReligion is a social institution dedicated to establishing a shared sense of identity, encouraging social integration, and offering believers a sense of meaning and purpose. Even though the participation of religious practices varies from place to place, it still continues to be a major force in the world and in individual lives. Each religion has unique content to it. Usually that includes a supernatural realm, such as heaven, but tha t does not necessarily mean it is outside our world. There areRead MoreThe Ways Gender Difference Is A Basis For Inequality974 Words   |  4 PagesCritically Analyse the ways gender difference is a basis for inequality in contemporary society? Gender refers to the socially constructed categories of feminine and masculine. It is one of the major factors in social difference and inequality in today’s society. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

The Cuases, Effects, and Prevention of Homophobia in America

Homophobia is an immense issue in todays society, but especially in America. The completely irrational prejudices against the community of this country is on the rise. This is due to a number of causes of which we as the American people have the ability to change. We must closely exam the causes and the effects of homophobia in America to completely understand why and where this is still occurring in modern day society and how it may be further prevented. Homosexuality has existed as long as humanity itself, and with homosexuality always seems homophobia, or the completely extreme and irrational fear or aversion to homosexuality and homosexual people, is sure to exist. This prejudice against homosexuals has been in one way or another†¦show more content†¦America’s government is tainted with people thinking in this mindset, especially among the republican party. Politicians are openly allowed to â€Å"smear† the gay community with their extremely bigoted comments, and have recently succeeded in allowing others to freely do so also. In the state of Michigan, republicans have managed to pass bill 137, a bill that promotes bullying. One has to think twice to really absorb that the state has actually done such an absurd thing. In this bill it is now okay to freely and openly express ones feelings towards another, harass, bully, what ever it is they want, as long as they can support their claims with a moral or religi ous view. This is of course a horrendous and stupid idea. After the bill was successfully passed, Senate Minority Leader Gretchen Whitmer (D-East Lansing), took to the floor of the Senate to voice her outrage at the amended language and the danger of the exemptions: â€Å"Here today you claim to be protecting kids and you re actually putting them in more danger. But bullying is not OK. We should be protecting public policy that protects kids, all kids, from bullies, all bullies. But instead you have set us back further by creating a blueprint for bullying. Shockingly, Senate Bill 137 will do more harm than good. Senate Republicans left our students behind in favor of partisan politics and passed a

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Persian Women Rights Essay Example For Students

Persian Women Rights Essay Organized and Institutionalized Sexual Exploitation and Violence The Press Law and Women Bill was ratified into law on the 13th of August 1998 in Iran; it is the Fifth Amendment of Article 6 of the press law. The bill states that, commercial use of womens image and texts declaring womens issues, humiliation, insult, propagation of formality, use of ornaments, and defending womens beyond the bounds of legal and religious law is forbidden. Violators of the law will be punished with lashes and imprisonment, as well as losing their publication license. Consequences of Press Law and Women Bill include: According to this amendment, supporting or defending the rights of women in any publication is strictly banned because it is believed that such arguments create more contention and adversity between men and women. However, men are excluded from the above law. This encourages a culture of male chauvinism. The ratification of this bill does not allow any criticism advocacy, in the press, of the laws governing womens rights. This bill will ban all female images, texts, or arguments for modification of the existing law. Therefore, womens issues are completely invisible in the media. This bill will create conflicts between the clerical community and the press because the law has never defined commercial use of womens image and text. Therefore, the subject is completely left at personal interpretation and judgment. Because of the fanatic nature of Islamic rulers, this amendment means complete elimination of women from public media. Married Iranian women require their husbands permission to apply for a passport, according to Article 18 of the passport law. In case of an emergency or absence of the husband, the public prosecutors office can issue the permit within 3 days from the date of the application. Islamic government does not recognize the divorces and the marriages administered in foreign countries unless they are endorsed by Iranian embassies, consulates, or the rituals are repeated in Iran. The consequences are: If an Iranian married couple immigrate to a foreign country and divorce according to the laws of that country, the divorce is not legitimate for the woman. The process must be repeated in the Islamic embassy or the consulate. If each of the spouses remarries separately after the divorce in the overseas country and travels to Iran, the wife could be arrested and tried for committing adultery. The punishment for adultery is burying the woman in the ground and stoning her to death. However, this does not apply to the man. By law, the man is not in marriage violation. If a couple have children, and the court granted custody of the children to the mother, if they traveled to Iran, the husband could take the children away from his ex-wife because husband is the sole custodian for the children. No custody privilege is granted to women under any circumstance. If a couple divorce in a foreign country and then travel to Iran to finalize their divorce proceeding, the divorce process for the woman might take years because the consent of the husband is always necessary to finalize the divorce. The husband may go ahead and marry another woman while his case is pending with the first wife. Under laws imposed after the 1979 revolution, women: Must cover all parts of their bodies (including their hair) except for the face and hands, with loose-fitting garments. Unrelated couples are not allowed to socialize at all. The penalties for violating these rules, imposed in the name of preventing social vice, vary from simple reprimands to lashes and payment of fines, and even execution by stoning in the case of illicit sexual relationships. The Iranian Human Rights Working Group (IHRWG) maintains that these laws are in violation of Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), to which Iran is a signatory. .u4dff15070a44bdc1b095923b771047f3 , .u4dff15070a44bdc1b095923b771047f3 .postImageUrl , .u4dff15070a44bdc1b095923b771047f3 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u4dff15070a44bdc1b095923b771047f3 , .u4dff15070a44bdc1b095923b771047f3:hover , .u4dff15070a44bdc1b095923b771047f3:visited , .u4dff15070a44bdc1b095923b771047f3:active { border:0!important; } .u4dff15070a44bdc1b095923b771047f3 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u4dff15070a44bdc1b095923b771047f3 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u4dff15070a44bdc1b095923b771047f3:active , .u4dff15070a44bdc1b095923b771047f3:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u4dff15070a44bdc1b095923b771047f3 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u4dff15070a44bdc1b095923b771047f3 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u4dff15070a44bdc1b095923b771047f3 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u4dff15070a44bdc1b095923b771047f3 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u4dff15070a44bdc1b095923b771047f3:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u4dff15070a44bdc1b095923b771047f3 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u4dff15070a44bdc1b095923b771047f3 .u4dff15070a44bdc1b095923b771047f3-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u4dff15070a44bdc1b095923b771047f3:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Teen suicide Essay On May 18, 1998, some 20 women and girls were arrested by the Iranian police in Tehran for socializing with unrelated men or failing to observe the strict dress code that is mandated for women. These types of arrest have occurred regularly since 1980. In April, 1998, an Iranian girl, detained by authorities on suspicion that she was having a relationship with a man, committed .

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Continuous Improvement Quality And Employee Safety †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Continuous Improvement Quality And Employee Safety. Answer: Introduction The need for quality and employee safety is inherent necessity for any organisation. Errors are caused by system failure and hence it is important to implement different types of process-improvement approaches to understand inefficiencies plaguing the project and impacting on system performances. Specific techniques aiming at identifying performance and improve change or managing change is necessity in this case study on Latino Engineering. In this essay a thorough discussion on different strategies as well as techniques and tools for quality improvement have been discussed in detail (Richardson, 2010). The essay hence focuses on root cause analysis to identify the reason behind such crisis and complaint on product quality which further have been used to improve the quality and safety of the engineering firm. It has been hence recommended here that considering quality management approach shall help in improving product quality and overall business management in the next three months. Body After studying the respective case study on Latino Engineering it is evident that the company performed impressively for several years. The company was enriched with about 300 employees who worked jointly to offer finest quality products and clients were satisfied for past 30 years. However, when the owner left the company and attracted fresh investment when he retired, several employees left while the new investors managed to retain most of the workforce. However, as the seniors left the organisation, the companys performance deteriorated with time, and soon within just 12 months time clients begun complaining about the product quality and on defective engineering equipment. Several other issues cropped up, such as poor customer management, application and use of wrong engineering equipment, wrong products delivered to clients and so on. In short, the performance quality deteriorated immensely and client dissatisfaction soared (Nair, 2011). In order to overcome the situation the following quality management approach has been suggested for reviving the brand and reconnecting with clientele to enhance profitability and sustainability in the respective market. Implementation of quality management approaches not only helps in improving adaptability of the business to the changes taking place within the business, such as the change in management, here in Latino Engineering the shift in ownership from single proprietorship to investment company has impacted on overall employee performance. Total Quality Management approach has been selected for enhancing the companys performance in the coming three months as TQM is a process that aims at leading to achieve continuous improvement of performance of the company while considering the expectations and meeting the need of stakeholders. Therefore in order to sustain in the growing competition in the respective industry vertical the company should produce quality products and satisfy the various needs of the clients and revive the brand image by improving products and services (Oakland, 2014). TQM process helps in improving the quality by offering a defined guideline for managing the quality of the p roduct. It is a unique system which comprise of key components like leadership, teamwork, scientific approach towards solving the problem and also incorporation of effective techniques to meet the expectations of the internal and external customer. The strategy is to adopt new management system and enhance productivity, adapt to the changes taking place in the company and ensure absolute client satisfaction. TQM in theory and practice: TQM is also an important tool that provides direction to an organisation towards improvement of the product quality. The leadership helps in developing the plan and guiding the company through various challenges it is facing. The Total Quality Management approach therefore helps in streamlining and planning employees contribution in a systematic way to ensure growth, sustenance and profitability. Hence, since most of the senior employees have left the company Latino Engineering, the top managers who are functioning at the leading position should be guided accordingly so that they successfully manage employees and ensure client satisfaction through implementation of effective leadership skill (Brue, 2009). When top managers offer adequate guidance the employees follow the instruction and meet the desired quality as expected by the clients. Five Dimensions of Total Quality Management: There are five key dimensions in total quality management and these are directly linked with the service delivering aspect of the business and linked with the external body that helps in proper service delivery to the client. This approach is based on the classical theory of the Total Quality Management and it further confirms that services will be improved and excellent quality services shall be offered to the service receiver from the service provider. Client satisfaction will be hence achieved in a defined way (Desai, 2010). The second dimension in TQM however details on the internal aspect of the business and emphasises on understanding the internal behaviour of the employees. It is here a thorough analysis is conducted to understand how the employees behave with the top management under the principles of the Total Quality Management (Gygi, Williams and DeCarlo, 2010). The evaluation could be properly understood by explaining the process in a step- by-step basis. It is therefore based on this dimension that an individual focuses on improvement on performance and he is willing to reach the next level by delivering impressive performance through commitment towards the target audience. It is therefore not always possible to adhere to the dimensions of TQM and meet the expectations of the client and the top management. The third dimension of Total Quality Management is about ways in which the top management recognises the internal stakeholders and how they behave with employees in order to maintain absolute harmony. This dimension involves special features like employee training and empowerment of the juniors (Shaffie and Shahbazi, 2012). It is here the various techniques of employee management are mentioned in a distinct way. Such as ways of encouraging employees and how to involve them in taking responsibility and improve their knowledge and skill set that improves overall performance of the company. In this practice the entire team is expected to participate and various activities like brainstorming and feedback helps in improving performance through motivation. Effective implementation of the dimension also leads to creation and development of a harmonious environment among employees and ensures seamless delivery of services and maximum client satisfaction (Boaden, 2007). In the fourth dimension of TQM the relationship between the members are discussed, for instance it discusses the horizontal relationship among the employees and is often known as parallel connection within staff or between two staff members of the company where the principle of TQM could be applied for improvement (Kanji, 2014). The fifth dimension however discusses about the relationship between the supplier and the entire process of total quality management that has been decided for implementation through apt collaboration of activities (Bisgaard, 2010). In this particular situation on Latino Engineering implementation of the fifth dimension of TQM demands special attention and also a formal system so that specific approaches could be implemented. Five dimensions are important and should be implemented to ensure sustenance. As far as the new plan for implementation of Total Quality management is concerned, the implementation of specific dimension and adherence to nurturing apt horizontal relationship within the particular organisation will aim at providing sustainable growth and earn high profit and meet growth option by offering client satisfaction. Deployment of talented employees and maintain consistency in offering quality services will help in reviving the brand image. Thus since senior staffs members have left the company, it is essential to hire experienced and productive task force in the management level so as to achieve adequate guidance in performance management and improvement in overall performance (Prashar, 2014). TQM has developed as a response from the successful companies to achieve rapid growth and sustenance amidst changing environment. Over the years clients needs have changed drastically and it is difficult for companies to understand the exact nature of customer need or the reason behind dissatisfaction as in the case of Latino Engineering. Thus to overcome the issue implementation of TQM approaches are likely to bring benefits as it helps in identifying the key requirements of the client that has impacted on overall performance of the brand. The systematic development of approaches under the guidance of TQM thus helps in taking right decision and ensures client satisfaction. According to (Garcia, 2009) Total Quality Management approaches should be customer oriented as it begins and ends with consumer and takes initiative to meet customer expectation. The key aim of TQM lies in creating value for customers through continuous improvement and quality advancement. Successful implementatio n of TQM in Latino Engineering will not only improve product quality, but also emphasises on enhancing the quality of services. Thus besides considering the five main dimensions of TQM, performance measurement is also essential (Gitlow, 2008). According to the TQM principles the company should implement TQM and improve quality of the product and services in a defined way. It has been implemented in different sectors and has helped in improving performance of the organisation which in a way helped in achieving long-term success and customer satisfaction. According to Stevenson Total Quality in a business is a unique philosophy that will help in involving stakeholders and ensure client satisfaction through adequate quality (Lock, 2013). There are eight principles of Total Quality Management, namely; Customer focus Effective leadership Involving people Process driven approach Continuous improvement Factual decision making Process driven approaches, and Encouraging supplier relationship These principles jointly aim at ensuring quality of product and key responsibility is to ensure absolute satisfaction. For instance Latino Engineering was known for quality product and customers were happy till the entrepreneur was running the business. However with change in management the business experienced several threats and other problems. In the recovery plan it may be mentioned that, every individual should function accordingly and share responsibility in a defined way to ensure quality services. Thus after the change in the management structured approaches should be considered in the managing process and also quality checking approaches should be implemented at every stage (Kessler, 2011). In order to implement TQM which is influenced by W.E Deming and later by the Toyota Production System and Lean operations, in the principle of TQM that is to be implemented here in the case of Latino Engineering: Management commitment plan, deploy, check and review and then implement and act to achieve defined goals (Keller, 2011). Employee empowerment- training, measurement and recognition and team excellence Fact based decision making SOE, TOPS, 7 statistical tools Continuous improvement-excellence team, system measurement, improve standard Customer Focus- partnership with stakeholders, no compromise on quality and customer driven product Implementation of recovery plan: Continuous improvement by implementing TQM Since TQM is concerned with continuous improvement in work it is essential to focus on overall improvement to achieve desired result in next three months time. Improving overall process needs improvement in capability of production and performance. Unless quality product has been produced continuous improvement at various level is impossible (Kinicki and Williams, 2008). The central plan lies in primarily focusing on investing in technologies to improve overall performance, operation and capability of individual. The root cause of sudden failure in business could be hence identified by conducting internal audit at every level. System operation procedure or SOP will be implemented to understand the root cause of such a crisis that has suddenly impacted on the business. Once the causes are identified they could be eliminated so that repetition does nit takes place. Process implementation: As far as implementation of the TQM process in concerned people should understand and feel the need for change within the existing system. In this part the leader enters with a motive and aims at strategically intervene the situation and implements his new vision and other approaches to improve quality of the services. Identifying the need for change: primarily the Latino Engineering management and as aproject management consultant implementation of TQM and Six Sigma model is likely to help the company overcome the problems in next three months time. Six Sigma is a set of selected tools and chosen techniques that are implemented to improve overall quality of the project (Breyfogle, 2013). Six Sigma was introduced by Bill Smith and Mikel J Harry when they were working in Motorola. Six Sigma aims at removing key reasons for damaging the product quality or defects happening in products and also minimising problems in the production process so that quality output or end products could be achieved and client satisfaction may be received (Peris-Ortiz, A?lvarez-Garci?a and Rueda-Armengot, 2015). The Six Sigma model aims at taking specific steps to value target audience, reduce overall processing time, decreases overall project cost, enhance the level of customer satisfaction and also increase profit earni ng. This model identifies problems in customer need and Six Ms such as machine, measurement, material, manpower, method and Mother Nature are considered here to reduce existing problems in the system and eliminate them to improve customer satisfaction which reduce overall expenditure of the product development (Lock, 2013). Following the DMAIC model will help in eliminating the crisis in a short period of time. DMAIC Six Sigma model is a data driven application that is implemented to improve the production process. This is an important approach in the Six Sigma initiative and could be implemented for improvement and enhance the process performances. DMAIC- Define: defining the issue and identifying improvement opportunity and project goals to ensure customer satisfaction. Measure- measuring the performance of the process in a defined way (Garcia, 2009). Analyse- explore the entire process to identify the root cause of the problem and what is leading to poor performance Improve enhance the process performance by considering the key causes for problems and finally eliminating those issues. Control improve the quality of the process and ensure improvement in future endeavours. DMAIC model helps in improving project quality within a short while and ensures overall quality improvement in a defined way (Nicoletti, 2013). From the discussion of (Barry, Murcko and Brubaker, 2011) it has been studied that developed in auto industry in Japan TQM today is implemented in different sectors to ensure continuous quality improvement and reduce overall product development expenditure.Project management is an art and should be managed in a significant manner. People and stakeholders are an integral part ofproject management and demands involvement and adequate management within specific budget and ensuring fulfilment of customer expectation. Projects however share similar needs and key characteristics. The plan given in the appendix clearly highlights ways in which the project will be managed and implemented to overcome the crisis in three months time period (McCarty, 2013). Conclusion It could be hence inferred here thatproject management should be planned in a strategic way so that the principles and rules are properly followed and goals are achieved. The crisis could be easily overcome by implementing Total Quality Management Six Sigma and ensuring continuous improvement in the process of overall performance in production and client management. Adhering to the steps of Six Sigma will not only help in reconnecting with clients, but will further ensure that the project cost reduces and the brand successfully reconnects with the clients and revive the image in a defined way. Reconnecting with existing customers will soon help in improving overall business and attract new customers for growth and prosperity. Thus following the guideline will help in improving business in the coming trimester. References Barry, R., Murcko, A. and Brubaker, C. (2011).The six sigma book for healthcare. Chicago: Health Administration Press. Bisgaard, S. (2010). The role of scientific method in quality management.Total Quality Management, 11(3), pp.295-306. Boaden, R. (2007). Is total quality management really unique?.Total Quality Management, 7(5), pp.553-570. Breyfogle, F. (2013).Implementing six sigma. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Brue, G. (2009).Six Sigma for managers. Desai, D. (2010).Six sigma. Mumbai [India]: Himalaya Pub. House. Garcia, D. (2009).Quality management. Chandni Chowk, Delhi [India]: Global Media. Gitlow, H. (2008).Quality Management. Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited. Gygi, C., Williams, B. and DeCarlo, N. (2010).Six sigma for dummies. Kanji, G. (2014).Total quality management process. Madras, India: Productivity Press. Keller, P. (2011).Six sigma demystified. New York: McGraw-Hill. Kessler, E. (2011).Encyclopedia of management theory. Kinicki, A. and Williams, B. (2008).Management. Boston, Mass. [u.a.]: McGraw-Hill Irwin. Lock, D. (2013).Project management, 10th edition. Farnham, Surrey, England: Gower Pub. McCarty, T. (2013).The Six Sigma black belt handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill. Nair, S. (2011).Total quality management. New Delhi: Sonali Publications. Nicoletti, B. (2013). Lean Six Sigma and digitize procurement.International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, 4(2), pp.184-203. Oakland, J. (2014).Total quality management and operational excellence. London: Routledge, Taylor Francis Group. Peris-Ortiz, M., A?lvarez-Garci?a, J. and Rueda-Armengot, C. (2015).Achieving Competitive Advantage through Quality Management. Cham: Springer International Publishing. Prashar, A. (2014). Process improvement in farm equipment sector (FES): a case on Six Sigma adoption.International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, 5(1), pp.62-88. Richardson, T. (2010).Total quality management. Albany, N.Y.: Delmar Publishers. Shaffie, S. and Shahbazi, S. (2012).Lean Six Sigma. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Ben And Jerrys Marketing Stratgies Essays - Marketing,

Ben and Jerrys marketing stratgies Ben & Jerrys was experiencing a steady growth within their sales figures from 1990 to 1993. However, In March 1994, Cost of Sales increased approximately $9.6 million or 9.5% over the same period in 1993, and the overall gross profit as a percentage of net sales decreased from 28.6% in 1993 to 26.2% in 1994. This loss might have been a result of several reasons, such as high administration and selling costs, a negative impact of inventory management, and start up costs associated with certain flavours of the new Smooth, No Chunks ice cream line. Ben & Jerrys selling, general and administrative expenses increased approximately 28% to $36.3 million in 1994 from $28.3 million in 1993 and increased as a percentage of net sales to 24.4% in 1994 from 20.2% in 1993. This increase might reflect the increase in marketing and selling expenses and the increase in the companys administrative infrastructure. Ben & Jerrys loss was not solely due to their employee orientated approach, but they appeared to have taken out a vast amount of capital lease in their aim to automate their production to keep up with the intense competition. As reflected in the balance sheet, Ben & Jerrys had reinvested huge amounts of property and equipment in 1994 increasing their long-term debts by almost 45% in 1993. Alternatives available to the consumer now, and in the foreseeable future Haagen Dazs is currently the main competitor in the concentrated market place for super premium ice cream. Substitutes are however available. There are other ice creams not in the super premium category. To an extent, these are real competitors. However for the market BThe frozen yogurt lines which B Dealing with other substitutes is not that simple. Expensive (or not) chocolate, cakes, croissants and other post meal consumables are realistic options for the consumer. Ferrara Rocha will assure you that their product is the perfect accompaniment to any meal. BHow he/she makes the choice for ice cream (as opposed to chocolate etc.) and then super premium (as opposed to premium or ordinary) and then B[See section 3.21 Research] The possibility of a rival ceasing B&Js place as no.1 or no.2 in the marketplace? Despite after tax losses in 94 both BNone at present seem to have the ability or financial backing to challenge this, albeit Edys has Nestle. The possibility of new entrants in the market place is confined by two major problems. The brand and distribution. Remembering that these are upmarket consumers where by cheap alternatives are not necessarily sought for then the key element is the brand. This brand and the associated image are something currently only Haagan and BThis emotional tie related to BIt is a question of I wouldnt be seen dead eating another ice cream as opposed to this is cheaper and tastes just like B&Js so Ill buy this from now on. The other barrier concerns distribution. With ice cream the idea of selling products through the Internet, despite the dried ice, which may accompany it, is not likely to be an option ?V the consumers will not readily enthuse over the idea. BConsequently distribution to stores around the USA and globally will be expensive and require partners such as Dreyers that have an extensive transportation network. It must be noted that this is potentially a concern or risk for BHaving a rival manufacturer distributing their ice cream is likely to cause conflict, and B&J should change this immediately or have an adequate contingency plan . With both the above barriers the key entrants may be the other ice cream manufacturers in the premium or ordinary market, notably the premium. As

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Sitting Bull Essays

Sitting Bull Essays Sitting Bull Paper Sitting Bull Paper If we live to the biblical life-span of three score years and ten, then the vast majority of our life-cycle will be spent in adulthood an area about which little was known in terms of psychological theory and research until fairly recently. Indeed Levinson et al (1978) go so far as to describe adulthood as one of the best-kept secrets in our society and probably in human history, generally . Can it be possible that by applying the psychological perspective of a theory of lives to an adults passage through life that we could gain a better understanding of an individuals life structure or as Levinson (1978) describes the concept the underlying pattern or design of a persons life at a given time (quoted in Sugarman p. 103)? In an effort to answer this question, I have chosen to examine the life of possibly one of the best known Native American Chiefs namely Sitting Bull (Tatanka-Iyotanka) of the Hunkpapa Sioux. I chose to read 2 biographies on Sitting Bull and although both are on the same person, the authors use different approaches to provide insights into the mans character. The main theories of lives which I chose to apply in this assignment were those of Erikson, (with particular reference to his development of ego strengths) and Maslow, since I felt that they were likely to be more relevant, given Sitting Bulls cultural background, then a more modern theory such as Levinsons. Also, much of Eriksons research was done amongst the Sioux Indians while if we were to look at the fifteen characteristic traits of self-actualising people as identified by Maslow (quoted in Sugarman, pp. 31-34), then it could certainly be suggested that Sitting Bull was operating successfully at some, if not indeed all, of these levels. Stanley Vestals biography Sitting Bull Champion of the Sioux (3rd ed. 1989) approached the character of Sitting Bull by way of the literary method after spending 5 years gathering information for the original edition of the book in 1932. Vestal spent much of his youth living in Indian Territory, playing games with Cheyenne and Arapaho boys and consequently developing what would seem to be an abiding interest in their culture. Upon deciding to write a biography on Sitting Bull after the first World War, he returned to Sioux country where there were still tribal members living who had experienced Indian life firsthand along with some who had known Sitting Bull personally. It is worth mentioning here that only those who actually knew the Sioux and could merit their confidence were able to secure factual data so perhaps a strong point in Vestals favour, at least from my personal point of view, was the realisation that he had obviously gained enough of the Siouxs confidence to be adopted, as a son, in 1929 by One Bull, a nephew of Sitting Bull; who along with another nephew, White Bull (supposedly the Indian who actually killed Custer at Little Big Horn) provided their support and co-operation to enable their uncles life story to be printed. Indeed for more than half a century, Vestals work dominated book-shelves as the standard biography of Sitting Bull, a fact acknowledged by Robert Utley in my other chosen reading The Lance and the Shield: The Life and Times of Sitting Bull (1998) which builds the character of Sitting Bull by historical method; although he does admit that sources he used provided him with enough persuasive evidence to corroborate the essence of the image recalled for Vestal by White Bull, One Bull and the other Indians of the 1920s The problem which Utley seems to suffer from is similar to the one which I also faced when attempting to apply the relevance of a theory of lives to Sitting Bulls life-history in that it is difficult to look at him in terms of his cultural norms and not mine, although there are occasions when it has been possible to use what little knowledge I have learned about his culture to perhaps better understand his motivations or at least not pass judgement on him through my lack of understanding. Sitting Bull was born in March 1831 at Many-Caches on the south bank of Grand River, South Dakota. As a child he was nicknamed Slow, seemingly because even as a child, he did not instantly put food from his hand to his mouth (as is the habit of most babies) but instead held the food in his hand, constantly turning it over and looking at it before deciding to eat it although once he accepted it, however, he never let go (Vestal, p. 3), and as we will discover this tenacity was a characteristic which he maintained right up to the day that he died. Even as a child, Sitting Bull was proud of his nation and longed for the time when he could share the brave adventures of the warriors. We need to understand here that to the Sioux prestige, especially won on the warpath was an all important dream so it seems small wonder that at the age of 14, Sitting Bull was so eager to prove to the Sioux that he was a man that he followed his father and other warriors on a raid against the Crow where he successfully achieved the goal of every Indian warrior namely counting coup, i. e.touching or striking the enemy with the hand or with a coup-stick. Although our culture may find it difficult to comprehend, Indians regarded hand-to-hand combat as the only manly form of battle even after they had obtained long-range weapons because the prime object of Plains Indian warfare was not bloodshed or manslaughter of the enemy, but a way of distinguishing oneself. Consequently, counting coup was rated by the Indians as a more greater war honour than the mere killing of an enemy and indeed all their social privileges were dependent upon achieving as many coups as possible. Small wonder then that at age 14, Sitting Bull appeared to be particularly concerned with finding his own personal space in Sioux adult society. He certainly seems to have obtained formal operational thought as defined by Piaget in that he could think what others would think of him, because before riding off to join his father and the other warriors, he was able to conceive that had he informed his mother and his two sisters of his intentions then they would soon remind him that he was just a boy, only fourteen years old (Vestal, p. 8), and also of how upon catching up with the other warriors he felt the silent disapproval of these men (Vestal, p. 8). At this stage of his life, Sitting Bull might be seen as matching Eriksons 5th stage of psychosocial development, since he seems to have gained some understanding of the values and beliefs of his culture to which he felt he must show commitment and loyalty, thus he appears to have been successful in producing the ego strength of fidelity whereby the need is felt to be true to ourselves. Indeed, Erikson suggests that the achievement of a sense of self-identity can carry people through difficult times in their lives and provide them with a feeling of being at home in ones body, a sense of knowing where one is going and an inner assurance of anticipated recognition from those who count (Gross p. 633) It might also be suggested that even at the young age of 14, Sitting Bull seems to be motivated to address himself to the 4th level in Maslows hierarchy of needs self esteem, since he appears to be seeking a high level of self-respect and also respect from others which, when satisfied, leads as Maslow suggests to feelings of self-confidence, worth, strength, capability, and adequacy, of being useful and necessary in the world (Maslow, 1970, p.45 quoted in Sugarman, p. 31). Having achieved a sense of adult identity, Erikson suggests that the developmental task of early adulthood is to achieve the ego strength of love achieved through the establishment of intimacy the adaptive outcome of his 6th psychosocial stage. The maladaptive outcome of this stage is isolation, although it should be stressed here that Erikson does not see these adaptive/maladaptive personality outcomes as either/or alternatives, suggesting instead that every personality represents a mixture of both with healthy development involving the adaptive outweighing the maladaptive. With regard to Sitting Bulls exploits in early adulthood, it should be recognised that Sioux mores exalted female chastity a point seemingly observed by General Sully in his official statement that the females of the wild bands of Sioux, called the Teton Sioux, set an example of virtue worthy of being copied by any civilized nation (Vestal p. 24).

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Impact of Customer Satisfaction with In-flight Catering to Airline Research Proposal

Impact of Customer Satisfaction with In-flight Catering to Airline Reputation and Profit - Research Proposal Example This research proposal offers to explore an issue of in-flight catering and its impact to airline ratings, competitiveness, and profits of an airline. In-flight catering is one of the major services that have been associated with flights for a long time. This and other on-board services have been provided to long distance flight customers since the beginning of air passenger flights decades ago. In recent years, in-flight catering has come under increasing scrutiny by customers and the media with perceptions about meal quality being given greater attention. In most airline markets, different types of services are operated to cater for different kinds of customers. The services are largely differentiated in terms of cost and distance of flight. According to King, budget airlines and low-cost carriers offer limited on-board catering reminiscent of the flight costs of the airlines; customer expectations about catering service quality are therefore lower than in long-haul flights. Long d istance flights continue to offer significant on-board services including catering, these are open to customer scrutiny with regard to quality and in-flight catering is one of the services that has clearly affected airline ratings over the years. Customers have sometimes characterized airline food as being uninspiring and tasteless. With current competition levels it is evident that customers are increasingly taking notice of airline catering when choosing flights; this may have a bearing on airline reputation and profits over time.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Effects of Technology on Advertising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Effects of Technology on Advertising - Essay Example Advertisements are the main sources of revenue for the conventional or old media outlets. Old media refers to the basic media of mass communication which include television, radio, newspapers, and magazines. In radio and television, the cost of an advert is determined by the time the advert takes to run on air, the time of the day in which the advert is played, and more importantly, the coverage of the media. An international media outlet such as the BBC and the CNN charge higher especially for their prime time than local media, which would more often run adverts on local products. For newspapers and magazines, the price of the advert is determined by the paper space occupied by the advert. Full-page adverts are more expensive than mere columns of texts and graphics. Furthermore, newspapers charge on the importance of the page on which the advert is placed. The first pages are more costly than the inner hidden pages that not every reader would pay much attention to (Bogomolova, 2011) . Advertisements improve brand visibility thereby possibly improving sales of the product or dispensation of a service. Companies invest extensively in advertisements of their products and services. This is because advertisements form the basis of competition for companies operating in the manufacture or sales of similar products or provision of similar services. Before settling for the use of a particular media to run adverts, companies consider a number of factors which include costs and the effectiveness of advertising through the media. Not all companies would find essence in advertising in international media such as the BBC; smaller companies that produce and sell products in smaller geographical locations prefer the use of local media since they reach their target market unlike the CNN and the BBC. The region and scope of operation forms the greatest factor considered by most companies in search of advertisers. Cost affectivity is achieved when the amount invested in advertisem ents achieves the purpose by giving the brand the projected visibility in the market. Companies will always be willing to spend as much money as possible on advertisement provided the investment on advertisement resonates in improved visibility thereby improving the sale of their products (Frey, 1956). New Media New media is a phrase coined to refer to the use of the internet to gather, package, and distribute information to a large audience, which is synonymous to journalism. The advent of the internet literally transformed various aspects in reference to human life. Every industry got affected with the use of internet and the digital media. It introduced new concepts on the previously existing industries. In journalism and mass communication, the internet introduced the aspect of online journalism. Online journalism refers to the use of computer networks key among which is the internet in the gathering, packaging, or processing and the dissemination of information to an increasing ly computer literate audience. This new type of journalism influenced the previous old media by changing some of the rules of journalism that had determined news access and mass communication in general, which included advertisements as well. Among some of the key changes introduced by this new media include

Monday, November 18, 2019

The opportunities for Amazing Ideas to establish and launch its Assignment

The opportunities for Amazing Ideas to establish and launch its Transition Windows product in the Australian market - Assignment Example There are opportunities that exist for the company to pursue in the Australian market given its limited strengths. Recommendations These will be founded on facts fathered during the research process on whether the company should go ahead and launch its product-transition windows and make its entrance in the Australian market. Table of Contents Table of Contents 4 Introduction 5 2. Phase one report 5 B. Company mission Statement 5 C. Amazing ideas Strategies 6 D. Industry analysis 6 E. Target Market Profile 6 F. Product Profile 7 G. Country Readiness 7 H. SWOT Analysis 7 3. Phase two report 8 A. Place (Location) 8 B. Macro-level screening 9 C. Indicators of Market Accessibility 9 D. Micro-Level Criteria Screening 10 E. Phase II Conclusions and Recommendation 10 A. Competitive Analysis 11 C. Market entry 11 5. Entry mode 11 6. Market Segmentation 12 7. Promotion 13 8. Summary conclusion and Recommendations 13 Introduction The purpose of this document is to present a study of the opport unities for Amazing Ideas to establish and launch its Transition Windows product in the Australian market. This research process provided an opportunity to prepare a thorough analysis of Amazing Ideas and its product- Transition Windows, in order to present a detailed report on opportunities available in the Australian market. This document includes background information that is developed with the assistance of a SWOT analysis. Using this analysis, both market and sales potentials in Australia were studied resulting into the development of entry strategies and marketing plans with conclusions and recommendations for pursuing this wonderful opportunity in Australia (Stapleton,1997)2. 2. Phase one...This document includes background information that is developed with the assistance of a SWOT analysis. Using this analysis, both market and sales potentials in Australia were studied resulting into the development of entry strategies and marketing plans with conclusions and recommendatio ns for pursuing this wonderful opportunity in Australia (Stapleton,1997) . 2. Phase one report The objective of this phase is to conduct an in-depth situation analysis to establish a basis to assist in determining the company’s opportunities to compete in the market. Here is the scenario. A. Company Background Amazing Ideas a company that is to be headquartered in Australia, is eyeing to venture into the Australian market with its new product, Transition window. This company was established by students from the Swinburne University of Technology in the first year of marketing tutorial class. During this session the students came up with idea of transition windows with hopes of launching their invention which holds a considerable appeal to a potential Australian Market.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Joint Commission On Accreditation Of Healthcare Organizations

Joint Commission On Accreditation Of Healthcare Organizations The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations  or the JCAHO is the board responsible for making the standards for the clinical engineering programs. In addition, JCAHO is a non-profit and an independent organization (Subhan, 2007). In addition, JCAHO is the national accrediting group health care delivery organizations such as hospitals. For instance, hospitals would ask JCAHO to evaluate their facility. There are of course charged a fee. As accreditation is not automatically renewed, there is a required full accreditation survey at least every three years (Bandy, 2004). Founded in 1951, the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations actually officially changed its name in 2007 to The Joint Commission, while its mission is unchanged. The author thus remains to use JCAHO when referring to this JC. This Joint Commission accredits and certifies health care organizations such as laboratories, hospitals, long term care facilities, and small ambulatory practices with the objective of ensuring patient protection and outcomes. The JC visits organizations every three years, assessing performance ranging from patient care to record keeping and from infection control to leadership, and the methodical official approval procedure is charitable, while it confers a typical of customer assurance. Also, JCAHO is an organization that makes the standards for healthcare organizations and issues accreditation to organizations that meet those standards.   The organization makes intervallic surveys on-site in order to verify that accredited organizations comply with the Joint Commission standards. Also, it is to improve the care and services. Standards given by JCAHO attend to an organizations performance in input functional areas (Practice Greenhealth). A number of the standards address environmental issues as a lot of the environmentally related Elements of Performance fall under the Environment of Care or the EC standard. However, others are incorporated in the Leadership and Human Resources standards. This Guide relates each JCAHO Element of Performance to specific federal regulations, to help facilities be in compliance with both. The Guide also suggests steps that facilities can take to encourage environmental performance improvements.   A comprehensive environmental program, including waste minimization and pollution prevention initiatives, can not only ensure compliance, but can also help reduce the costs of compliance (Practice Greenhealth). JCAHO is now monitoring how well the countrys healthcare organizations treatment, assessment, and management of pain. JCAHO surveyors had been assessing compliance since 2001 as was said by the end-of-life coalition Last Acts since the new pain management standards are included in the manual standards of 2000 to 20001. In line of this, doctors and nurses would now be expected to treat the patients pain and continue to assess treatment during and even after their hospitalization, while patients will be asked about pain and its intensity, sometimes by rating it on a zero to 10 scale under the JCAHO standards (Fryling, 2001). According to Carole Patterson MN, RN, director of the Standards Interpretation Unit of JCAHO these standards recognize that pain is a condition that needs explicit attention because data presents that pain at the end of life and surgical pain has not been well-managed in the past. Thus, the standards should have a major force on pain management for patients. Patterson told Last Acts that these standards should convey that pain should be monitored with the same vigilance as blood pressure, pulse, temperature and respiratory rate, according to an article titled. (Fryling, 2001). How does JCAHO affect the healthcare system? JCAHO in 2004 began using Shared Visions-New Pathways, a new accreditation process. Therefore, starting last 2006 surveys on accreditation should be conducted in an unannounced basis. This Shared VisionsNew Pathways? is that health care organizations are dedicated to providing high quality and safe healthcare. In line of this, JCAHO, share the vision, and thus, providing a process to support a health care organizations quality and safety efforts by their accreditation. This also presents a new set of approaches to the accreditation process that will support the shared visions (Bandy, 2004). In addition, this JCAHO: identifies priority focus areas (PFAs) for each hospital based on a combination of the PFP, on which surveyors initially will focus during the initial part of the on-site survey, and on systems and processes that are relevant to patient safety and health care quality. For example, systems and process include such things as assessment and care, medication management, credentialing, equipment use, infection control, etc. Information management is one of the PFAs (Bandy, 2004). JCAHO looks upon the tracer methodology as a mode to provide education to the group leaders and staff. The new processes are available on the JCAHO site via videos, and under this new decision process, every standard is judged either compliant or not compliant based on the scoring of the EPs (Bandy, 2004). The Agency Carrying its Duties: Cases One example of the JCAHO doing its job is the Medical Equipment Standards they created. There are two main JCAHO medical equipment standards-EC.6.10 and EC.6.20-are in the Management of the Environment of Care (EC) chapter. Each JCAHO standard is divided into requirements called elements of performance (EP). EC.6.10 has eight EPs, which are discussed individually below. First is the Medical Equipment Management Plan. This EP says that the hospital must have a written plan. This plan should provide an overview of how the equipment is managed at the hospital. Also, it should describe the processes for managing the safe, effective, and reliable operation of medical equipment. Hence, it is not simply a recitation of the medical equipment standards. It should also be a link between the JCAHO medical equipment-related standards and the function of managing medical equipment at the hospital. Second is the Selection and Acquisition of Medical Equipment. Such EP requires the hospital to describe its manner of selecting new equipments. Process of acquiring includes evaluating the medical equipment for clinical effectiveness, patient safety, and human factors before final selection as this should include needs selection criteria, comparative evaluations, assessment, and a life-cycle cost analysis. Third is the Inclusion of Risk Criteria. This EP gives the hospital a choice to either include all of the equipment in the program, or to select certain types of equipment to be included in the program based on equipment function; physical risks with use; and incident history, which are called inclusion or risk criteria. Fourth is the Maintenance Strategies, an EP that requires the appropriate selection of maintenance strategies for all of the equipment in ones medical equipment management plan inventory. These are listed in the JCAHO standards include predictive maintenance (using the concepts of reliability-centered maintenance), interval-based inspections, corrective maintenance (that is, repair or replace if defective), and metered maintenance (hours of run time or number of images processed, for example) (Subhan, 2007). Fifth is the Maintenance Intervals, an EP which necessitates the hospital to define appropriate maintenance intervals for their equipment based on manufacturers recommendations and the organizational experience. JCAHO in 2001 removed the annual performance and safety testing requirement for medical equipment, and this transformation was the sign of the admission that the safety and reliability of medical equipment has improved significantly at present. (Subhan, 2007) While sixth is the Hazard Notices and Recalls, and this EP requires the hospital to be able to set up a process for monitoring  and acting on hazard notices and also recalls that pertain to their medical equipment. The process would include reviewing and acting on recalls and alerts from the manufacturers and others (Subhan, 2007). Seventh is the 1990s Incident Reporting and Monitoring- Safe Medical Devices Act/ This EP needs an account of the hospital program for monitoring and reporting incidents as required by the SMDA, while the eighth one is the Emergency Procedures. This eighth EP requires the hospital to develop emergency procedures. These procedures are needed so that there will be role and responsibility identification of maintainers and users. These two should assess the medical services provided by the hospital to decide which types of tools are critical for patient car. Hospital should develop procedures for managing the clinical consequences of critical equipment failure (Subhan, 2007).

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Relationships :: essays research papers

I. IntroductionLast fall, 700,000 men gathered at our nation's Capital to focus on mending relationships. Their goals were to help men end adulterous behavior, quit abusing and neglecting the women and children in their lives, and renew their promises to their families. Knowing this, it is hard to understand why this rally would be seen as a threat rather than honorable. Imagine 700,000 men acknowledging the areas in which they've failed and wanting to take responsibility for their actions. My father was one of these men. Knowing him in the capacity that I do, anything or anyone that can make him acknowledge his imperfections is to be admired! Now why am I telling you this? Why does it matter? People perceived these men as a threat. They were neither welcomed nor respected for taking a stand in what they felt was important. This matters because Conservative Christian thinkers are forced to face this type of discriminating judgement daily.II. One article that I read pertaining to the Promise Keeper gathering was titled "Invasion of the Promise Keepers." (a) I found this rather ironic. Why would men eager to finally take responsibility be seen as "invading?" As a woman, I would rather be with a man who openly admitted that he wasn't always right and who respected and honored me, than to be with a man who did not.(b) Evidently, however, not all women want to be appreciated. Many openly condemned them for their attempts. Protestors of both genders greeted these men with the phrase "racist, sexist, homophobe, go home."III. In an issue of Time, one reporter addresses this type of religious discrimination. He states that "the fight is not so much over what people ought to believe; it is over what they can say, and where, and to whom." He then goes on to give the following examples:(a) The Pennsylvania Supreme Court threw out the sentence of a murderer who killed a 70-year-old woman with an ax because the prosecuting attorney cited Biblical law in requesting the death penalty.(b) In Decateur, IL, an elementary, public school teacher demanded that her seven-year-old students mark out the word "God" printed in their phonics book.(c) In Oak Park, IL, a private Catholic hospital was not allowed to erect a cross because it could potentially offend some the town's residents.IV. As one who has experienced this particular type of discrimination, I have often wondered why someone would form a general opinion of disgust with such a large, diverse group of people.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Key Of Responsibility Speech

A lovely evening to all! Tonight I may say, to all of us seniors, let us congratulate ourselves for we all have been doing so great to make this tale of our lives as fulfilling as we want it and as adventurous as we make it. In four years of staying here in this institution, I may conclude that counting the wonderful moments that we shared in our high school days is a mind-boggling thing because even the depressing ones that we lived through contributed in helping us to become what we are today.Yes, even being â€Å"pasaways† in front of our teachers, all are considered factors that made this experience complete and of course, a perfect one. And if we are going to look at it, everything happened in a blast but, much unnoticed. When I made my first footsteps in this school in the early days of my freshman year, one thing I can’t forget is our innocent selves, just like a blind person who seeks the right path, looking for the white light behind the darkness of that innoce nce.By all means, we looked for the knowledge we need and we craved for the wisdom we must possess before we depart from this home, from this family. We were so curious about all the things that we encountered everyday but we did not know to whom we must hold on and how to distinguish right from wrong. And because of such blindness, receiving only the radiance of the twilight, some succeeded in knowing all the essential things to be remembered and to be understood by the heart but others got lost and failed to know the indispensable truth of life.We have encountered many things as high school students but still, our journey will not stop after this stage. And I’m very proud that we never lose hope when failures and disappointments come our way. We defended what we love, and fought for what we believed in. And as for you, the juniors, in a few more days, your job will be to continue the unfinished tasks we will leave behind as we sail in our respective ships to discover new oc eans. In behalf of the seniors, we are thankful because you are our companions and these years will serve as memories that we will cherish forever.After we move on, after we step on another phase of our lives, you must learn and remember the things that have helped us to finish this stage. Some things that we did, might not have worked out well but we trust that after we leave the portals of this institution, you may learn from our mistakes. Expect the worst but always strive for the best. Whenever you fail, don’t lose hope, just stand up. Consider such challenges as a blessing. We must learn from these challenges, particularly the failures so that we will achieve more success. You must also learn how to be humble.Humility is one sign of being educated, of being wise. This will be the start of your time to grow up and make your own; we believe that you can do more than what we have done. You must learn to be contented sometimes but grow most of the time. It is always right to be contented but this will sometimes hinder you from growing, from progressing. You only live once, so live your life to the fullest. It is not yet over so never make this as an excuse for you to be contented; there are many more fishes in the sea, waiting for you to discover them.Just be grateful for all your achievements and be thankful to the One who is the first and the last thing we must think of, God, because His love for us and His will to guide us is everlasting. To all Juniors, Knowledge has taught us the elements of character that facilitate success. With this key of acceptance we pass on to you the skills to learn, the aptitude to succeed, and the creativity to make a difference. We hope to see all your spectacular dreams come true. GOD BLESS US ALL!!! Key of Responsibility Speech A lovely evening to all! Tonight I may say, to all of us seniors, let us congratulate ourselves for we all have been doing so great to make this tale of our lives as fulfilling as we want it and as adventurous as we make it. In four years of staying here in this institution, I may conclude that counting the wonderful moments that we shared in our high school days is a mind-boggling thing because even the depressing ones that we lived through contributed in helping us to become what we are today.Yes, even being â€Å"pasaways† in front of our teachers, all are considered factors that made this experience complete and of course, a perfect one. And if we are going to look at it, everything happened in a blast but, much unnoticed. When I made my first footsteps in this school in the early days of my freshman year, one thing I can’t forget is our innocent selves, just like a blind person who seeks the right path, looking for the white light behind the darkness of that innoce nce.By all means, we looked for the knowledge we need and we craved for the wisdom we must possess before we depart from this home, from this family. We were so curious about all the things that we encountered everyday but we did not know to whom we must hold on and how to distinguish right from wrong. And because of such blindness, receiving only the radiance of the twilight, some succeeded in knowing all the essential things to be remembered and to be understood by the heart but others got lost and failed to know the indispensable truth of life.We have encountered many things as high school students but still, our journey will not stop after this stage. And I’m very proud that we never lose hope when failures and disappointments come our way. We defended what we love, and fought for what we believed in. And as for you, the juniors, in a few more days, your job will be to continue the unfinished tasks we will leave behind as we sail in our respective ships to discover new oc eans. In behalf of the seniors, we are thankful because you are our companions and these years will serve as memories that we will cherish forever.After we move on, after we step on another phase of our lives, you must learn and remember the things that have helped us to finish this stage. Some things that we did, might not have worked out well but we trust that after we leave the portals of this institution, you may learn from our mistakes. Expect the worst but always strive for the best. Whenever you fail, don’t lose hope, just stand up. Consider such challenges as a blessing. We must learn from these challenges, particularly the failures so that we will achieve more success. You must also learn how to be humble.Humility is one sign of being educated, of being wise. This will be the start of your time to grow up and make your own; we believe that you can do more than what we have done. You must learn to be contented sometimes but grow most of the time. It is always right to be contented but this will sometimes hinder you from growing, from progressing. You only live once, so live your life to the fullest. It is not yet over so never make this as an excuse for you to be contented; there are many more fishes in the sea, waiting for you to discover them.Just be grateful for all your achievements and be thankful to the One who is the first and the last thing we must think of, God, because His love for us and His will to guide us is everlasting. To all Juniors, Knowledge has taught us the elements of character that facilitate success. With this key of acceptance we pass on to you the skills to learn, the aptitude to succeed, and the creativity to make a difference. We hope to see all your spectacular dreams come true. GOD BLESS US ALL!!!

Friday, November 8, 2019

How Globalization Effects The Third World †Economics Essay

How Globalization Effects The Third World – Economics Essay Free Online Research Papers How Globalization Effects The Third World Economics Essay If one sets the analysis of the effects of globalization on the Third World, taking into consideration the economic indicators and figures together with the ones concerning peoples health, education, calories per day, one should easily notice the inequal distribution of wealth, education and expectations of life throughout the world. The relationship between GNP and welfare, however, is not linear (fig), delineating cultural differences and peculiarities of each particular socio-political and economic region (Fig about family distribution ). Once GNP per capita reaches about US$ 4000 increments of basic human welfare tend to be marginal . Whilst very high deviations (over the line with a long gap ) are recorded mainly by socialist countries ( China, Cuba, Vietnam) and the â€Å"Western† countries ( North America, Europe and Australasia) , the most notable negative deviations (below the line with the highest gap)are recorded by two different groups of countries: oil rich Middle Eastern countries (Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia,..) and many African countries (including Nigeria, Angola, Namibia and Niger). If we focus our attention on the last group and we look at the figures concerning the inequality index and the real gross domestic product and the food consuption, one could see low levels of real GDP (fig) associated with a highly inequal redistribution of wealth with low levels of nutrition. All the figures above risk, however, to lose meaning, unless we define some key concepts shall be used in the present essay. It is particularly difficult to exactly define the concepts to analyse the effects of globalization on the Third World, as the enormous quantity of data, from GDP (gross domestic product) (Fig ) the level of education and a definition of development (time is relative and a society, as Islam, developed 600 years after Christianity show not only the resemblance to our Middle Ages structural society, which reports to a similar mode of production ). The quality of the territory also plays a role in influencing the geo-political structure of a particular area. In addition to that, the peculiarity of main third world countries depends on the quality and the quantity of exports as well as imports with the will be later defined â€Å"core†, the relationship of exploitation of the main Western Empires (formerly Spain, UK, France, Portugal, lately, USA) and the damages colonisers did to the African soil, which brings now, with the increasing of the population doubling in the Sub-Saharan area with a rate of 25 years fig, a black horizon in front of them. The spread of HIV is increasing in the Sub-Saharan area and this would imply a deeper research in order to define the causes of it. The Third World entered into the Cold War mainly exploited under the dominion of the Western powers. In the last 50 years the World Bank and the United Nations, together with the IMF and GATT have been created, politically, for the allignment of strategic areas of the globe1960s economically for the need of the American companies to expand towards new markets, with the consequent emergence of new industrialised countries in South America, but mostly in Asia. In Africa, the situation is rather different: Soil erosion, HIV, famine and civil wars, direct effect of the inappropriate policies carried by the colonisers, brought now to an alarming future. Is globalisation responsible for it ? Which effects will have on them ? I personally think that globalisation as an economic process is nothing new and this process, in my opinion, can be read as a key through which International actors (Nation States MNEs, ex.) interact with each other. However, maps show how the world is divided into three main areas: a core opposed to a semi-periphery and a periphery (amongst others: Africa) with an high concentration of poverty, inequalities and endemic viruses. The exploitation of Africa has been so dramatic to bring to a territorial damages, decreasing fertility of the ground and specialised on export of raw materials, primary commodities and food but lacking on technological and human resource investments. the World after 1946 witnessed an advance in several fields: modern aircraft industries and thus new forms of airtransport, electronic industries, which produced not only TVs and radio equipments, but also devices for measurement, signals and telecommunications, as well as computers, base of the modern automation and cybernetic techniques. TV and, generally, expanded Medias played a role in influencing the perception of the World, from a relatively small national unity and reality, into a global market and international concerns, thus more institutional participation ( civil society, Labour Unions, Humanitarian non-gov. Org, etc.) Modern plastics, sysntetic resins and composites fibres, based on the petro-chemical emprovements, ( that is the new Hydrocarbon chemistry ), brought a dramatic change in the industrail trend and so did also the growth of the steel industry, the production of titanium and the civilian use of the atomic power, which by the end of the 1950s represent a considerable volume of investement in the U.K and France . However, Africa, according to figures , does not enjoy the economic growth and emprovement of technology, nor has the economical capacity to stand the MNEs, showing, oppositely, the drainage of the wealth from the periphery to the core countries. Popper believes that four broad attributes shape the environment, in which firms compete and promoting or impeding the creation of competitive advantage. Research Papers on How Globalization Effects The Third World - Economics EssayInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesDefinition of Export QuotasBringing Democracy to AfricaPETSTEL analysis of IndiaRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalResearch Process Part OneGenetic EngineeringMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever Product

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on The Interview

Booker T. Washington (1856-1915). Up from Slavery: An Autobiography. 1901. VI. Black Race and Red Race DURING the year that I spent in Washington, and for some little time before this, there had been considerable agitation in the state of West Virginia over the question of moving the capital of the state from Wheeling to some other central point. As a result of this, the Legislature designated three cities to be voted upon by the citizens of the state as the permanent seat of government. Among these cities was Charleston, only five miles from Malden, my home. At the close of my school year in Washington I was very pleasantly surprised to receive, from a committee of white people in Charleston, an invitation to canvass the state in the interests of that city. This invitation I accepted, and spent nearly three months in speaking in various parts of the state. Charleston was successful in winning the prize, and is now the permanent seat of government. 1 The reputation that I made as a speaker during this campaign induced a number of persons to make an earnest effort to get me to enter political life, but I refused, still believing that I could find other service which would prove of more permanent value to my race. Even then I had a strong feeling that what our people most needed was to get a foundation in education, industry, and property, and for this I felt that they could better afford to strive than for political preferment. As for my individual self, it appeared to me to be reasonably certain that I could succeed in political life, but I had a feeling that it would be a rather selfish kind of success-individual success at the cost of failing to do my duty in assisting in laying a foundation for the masses. 2 At this period in the progress of our race a very large proportion of the young men who went to school or to college did so with the expressed determination to prepare themselves to be great lawyers, or Congressm... Free Essays on The Interview Free Essays on The Interview Booker T. Washington (1856-1915). Up from Slavery: An Autobiography. 1901. VI. Black Race and Red Race DURING the year that I spent in Washington, and for some little time before this, there had been considerable agitation in the state of West Virginia over the question of moving the capital of the state from Wheeling to some other central point. As a result of this, the Legislature designated three cities to be voted upon by the citizens of the state as the permanent seat of government. Among these cities was Charleston, only five miles from Malden, my home. At the close of my school year in Washington I was very pleasantly surprised to receive, from a committee of white people in Charleston, an invitation to canvass the state in the interests of that city. This invitation I accepted, and spent nearly three months in speaking in various parts of the state. Charleston was successful in winning the prize, and is now the permanent seat of government. 1 The reputation that I made as a speaker during this campaign induced a number of persons to make an earnest effort to get me to enter political life, but I refused, still believing that I could find other service which would prove of more permanent value to my race. Even then I had a strong feeling that what our people most needed was to get a foundation in education, industry, and property, and for this I felt that they could better afford to strive than for political preferment. As for my individual self, it appeared to me to be reasonably certain that I could succeed in political life, but I had a feeling that it would be a rather selfish kind of success-individual success at the cost of failing to do my duty in assisting in laying a foundation for the masses. 2 At this period in the progress of our race a very large proportion of the young men who went to school or to college did so with the expressed determination to prepare themselves to be great lawyers, or Congressm...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Physical Mettalurgy of engineering materials Essay

Physical Mettalurgy of engineering materials - Essay Example 6. The three modes of heat transfer that occur during the heat treatment of steel are: Conduction Heat transfer is the heating process where heat energy is transferred from a body with a higher temperature to a body with lower temperature by direct contact of both bodies. Convection heat transfer is the heating process where heat is transferred by the motion of a heated medium, it could either be gas or liquid, to the body which is to be heated. Radiation heat transfer is the heating process by which heat is emitted from a higher temperature surface into space, then absorbed by a lower temperature surface thru the radiation of heat waves. 8. Stopped flow technique is limited to the one that does not have optical signal for the reaction of interest and the signals cannot be interpreted rigorously if the extinction coefficients of its intermediates are not known. Chemical quench flow allows the mixing of two reactants after which it is followed by quencing of chemical agents usually acid or base. Rapid optical photolisis chamber is based on the worldwide leading quench-flow and mounts to the same system. atomic size factor. The size factor is said to be favorable if the size of the atom does not differ by more than 14-15% from the solvent atom. The electrochemical effect, will have a difference in electronegativity between small solvent and solute atoms.The relative valency effect is when a metal of higher valency will dissolve a metal of a lower valency. Therefore, to complete solid solubility, both elements should have the same valency. In the crystal structure, the formation of the series of continuous solid solutions is posible if the components have the same crystal

Friday, November 1, 2019

Ardley, Neil et al. Music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ardley, Neil et al. Music - Essay Example On audience participation, the performers gave signs to the audience to join them especially at the chorus part of the song. This they achieved by signaling their audience using their hands to join along, or by turning the microphone towards the audience(Ardley et al, 82.). The audience in turn picked up the meaning of the gestures and sang along. At times they would simply tell the audience to sing along which they did. When introducing a new song to the audience, the group first taught the audience the song lyrics and rhythm before singing it. They would then start by singing the song in a slow tempo, and increased it gradually as the audience learned the song better. The 2014 One Direction documentary Where we are talks about the rise of the One Direction from the X factor all the way to the San Siro stadium performance which was one of their peak moments in their music career. This documentary reveals to us what it took to make this music group successful. They relate their success to their audience. In this documentary they talk about planning on their shows prior to performance, and proper rehearsals to get used to the performance and prevent any awkward situations while on stage.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Final Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Final Project - Essay Example The First Amendment protects the rights of individuals, including prisoners, to their freedom of communication via letters. It makes Jail Officers wonder why other charges like harassment or deprivation from access to court were included in the complaints. Knowing the drug syndicates have lots of means to access lawyers and media, this can be a clear indication of the effectiveness of the new Mail management system against unwanted activities in jail. Or Civil Rights Groups may be right up to a certain extent. There should be more transparency and clarifications concerning the initiatives of the Department of Corrections. What should be made known to the public ought to appease every listener and definitely satisfy courts and lawyers as soon as they hear those explanations for clarifications. The government’s lawyer should be made to clarify that the procedures are merely temporary. And the reason for its being temporary ought to be further explained to judges behind closed do ors. Security measures require some level of confidentiality and private discussions among lawyers and judges only. II.Details A.Statement of Facts A new mail policy of the Department of Correction dictated the specification for incoming and outgoing communications by saying that communication â€Å"must be on a 5x7 inch pre-stamped postcard†. Even the ink color was restricted. Return address had to be either written or printed. Adhesive label was not allowed. However, there were logical reasons connected to law enforcement against the entry of contraband through mails. The other reason was not directly related to law enforcement, because the Correction Officers simply wanted to make it easier for them to manage the mails daily in the light of insufficient Staff. There was also a policy that would provide three FREE postcards per week for indigents. To be considered indigent, the prisoner â€Å"must have less than $ 10.00 balance for 45 days prior to the request for indigent supplies.† If not indigent, a prisoner will have to buy the 5 x 7 postcard for $0.50 cents per post card. As a result of these changes, the Department of Corrections received complaint suits for violating the 1st Amendment civil rights pertaining to freedom of expression. Complainants also accused the department of invading the privacy of prisoners, of interfering with the prisoners’ access to the courts, of harassing prisoners, of not having a legitimate purpose, of being unnecessarily different from most other prisons in the management of packages and letters. Is it right to heed a few legislators who wanted the Corrections Department to revert back to the original process of mailing? What should be done in response to newspaper editorials’ condemnation of the changes believed to be unnecessary? Figure 1 shows the contents of The First Amendment, as follows: Figure 1. The First Amendment â€Å"CONGRESS SHALL MAKE NO LAW RESPECTING AN ESTABLISHMENT OF RELIGION , OR PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF; OR ABRIDGING THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH, OR OF THE PRESS; OR THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE PEACEABLY TO ASSEMBLE, AND TO PETITION THE GOVERNMENT FOR A REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES.† Included in the first amendment are the following implied situations: 1. Censorship is a violation of the freedom of speech. (SCJ Stewart, Potter 1966, Ginzberg v. US, 383 US 463) 2. â€Å"The right to think is the beginning of freedom†¦speech is the beginning of thought.† (SCJ Kennedy, Anthony M. in Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition) B.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Edna’s First and Second Awakenings Essay Example for Free

Edna’s First and Second Awakenings Essay When Kate Chopin’s â€Å"The Awakening† was published in 1899 the Industrial Revolution and the feminist movement were already beginning to emerge. However, they were still overshadowed by the prevailing attitudes of the nineteenth century (SparkNotes Editors). In the conservative state of Louisiana, from where the author had met her husband, for example, the feminist movement was almost absent that there still exist a law that considers a woman as the property of her husband. â€Å"The Awakening† in general is a novel about how the female protagonist was able to find and discover her own identity as a woman, gained independence, and learn the value of equality and freedom. However, it is also a novel about the social constraints of women during this Victorian era, about how Edna discovered in the end that she was still alone in the process of her ‘awakening,’ thus undergoing a ‘second awakening’. Chopin offered a different treatment of the traditional woman of society who is often portrayed to be under the mercy of their male counterparts, weak, and definitely restricted. Here, Edna, the female protagonist, is in the process of rediscovering herself, her world, and slowly learning what freedom and equality means. The story revolves around her as she slowly undergoes this process in such a way that the novel could actually fall under the genre of Bildungsroman—a sort of a coming-of-age story—wherein Edna, through her acquaintance with Adelle, has evolved from a restricted wife to a woman free from any form of male domination. This kind of approach had given a tone that offers a ‘sympathetic view toward the actions and emotions of the sexually aware and independent female protagonist. ’ One of the more important motifs in the novel is Edna’s swimming. The first time she had swum in the novel demonstrate the first moment of her awakening. It gave her the feeling of being strong. By and by, through her acquaintances in the Grand isle, particularly Adelle, she learned that she could be actually open about what she feels, that she could say it directly without being afraid. She also continued painting to relinquish her youth soon afterwards—another form of self-expression. And with Robert and Alcee, she had demonstrated freedom in her love, passion and sexuality. All these events that happened in her life contributed to her first ‘awakening,’ the awakening that pertains to her self-rediscovery and a gaining independence. It is at this moment that â€Å"She began to look with her own eyes; to see and to apprehend the deeper undercurrents of life. No longer was she content to â€Å"feed upon opinion† when her own soul had invited her (Chapter 32). † Her second awakening happened after Robert had turned his back on her for the sole reason of not being able to rise over the expectations of their society. She had, for some reasons realized that despite all of her discoveries, the freedom that she had received, she was still alone. She felt the burden or the suffering that corresponds to all her learning and individuality for her society could still not accept the kind of woman she had become. Perhaps her action when she had swum again in the later chapter of the novel, when she committed suicide, is a symbolism of this second awakening. The solitude she had felt drove her there because she might have realized her true position in her society and therefore believes that only by ending her life could she free herself from every expectation there is. She was awakened. Again. And thus she says, â€Å"The years that are gone seem like dreams—if one might go on sleeping and dreaming—but to wake up and find—oh! well! Perhaps it is better to wake up after all, even to suffer, rather than to remain a dupe to illusions all one’s life (Chapter 38). † Basically, for me, the novel is not simply about a single awakening. It is a two-sided representation of the status/role of women during the Victorian era. It definitely showed how constrained these women are through the biases and prejudices thrown against Edna. But it has also showed how these women, through Edna, are struggling to free themselves from these constraints, how they are willing to suffer than to remain disillusioned, but still overshadowed by the prevailing attitudes of the majority. It might as well be also pertaining not only to Edna’s awakening but the awakening of all the women of that particular era. These women are all awakened, willing to fight for their independence, for equality. Unfortunately, the prevailing ideas of the people around them would only awaken them for the second time, so that they would realize that their position in their society at that time could be sometimes suffocating that they would rather drown themselves than submit to male domination. REFERENCE SparkNotes Editors. â€Å"SparkNote on The Awakening. † SparkNotes. com. SparkNotes LLC. 2002. Web. 19 Jul. 2010. For the quoted passages:

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Adolphe Sax the Creator of the Saxaphone :: essays research papers

Adolphe Sax didn't know what kind of monster he created, but as history bluntly tells us, it wasn't any four-eyed, flying, purple people eater. Adolphe came upon a horn that would capture many imaginations, save a couple of military bands, define jazz, and win over lame highschool kids like Lily. This colorful history has more kinks in it than your standard garden hose, people have terrorized it, belittled it, outlawed it, and (last, but not least) demonized it. The saxophone, though one of the youngest players in the music world today, has more castatrophes and triumphs in it's history than the brass family rolled up together (and thrown at lame highschool kids like Brekke.) Why is this so? Where did it start? Marco? Polo? Well it started one fine day... Adolphe, the hero for the first part of the story, was born in Brussels on November 19, 1814. His father, Charles Sax, was Belgium's chief instrument maker and he was intent on passing the trade on to Adolphe. But, much like the history of the sax, Adolphe encountered many accidents to hinder these dreams. Adolphe wasn't a graceful boy and was prone to accidents like nearly drowning, falling down stairs, and the occasional fire in father's workshop. None the less by his teens he was showing exceptional skill at instrument making. In Belgium there was a convention every year, the Brussels Industrial Exposition. At fifteen Adolphe submitted a clarinet and two flutes of ivory (1830). Before he was twenty he had created a new fingering system on the soprano clarinet and redesigned the bass clarinet. Bass clarinets, beautiful and boisterous instruments, were once unreliable and unplayable instruments. Adolphe turned the monster into an elegant, regal low wind that (gasp) played in tune. But he was turned down from first place, not because of quality, but age. On the bias of age, judges roasted Adolphe, claiming he would not be appreciative of the honor at such a young age. Not appreciative of their conclusion, he turned to Paris. At twenty-eight (1842) he set off for Paris, then the instrument-making capital (still is), to set up shop. Filled with more ambitious ideas and brilliance than his father, he stomped into town and made as much noise settling in as possible. Now to really paint this picture you must have the scenario.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Flappers and Mothers: New Women in the 1920s Essay -- American History

Flappers and Mothers: New Women in the 1920s Frederick Lewis Allen, in his famous chronicle of the 1920s Only Yesterday, contended that women’s â€Å"growing independence† had accelerated a â€Å"revolution in manners and morals† in American society (95). The 1920s did bring significant changes to the lives of American women. World War I, industrialization, suffrage, urbanization, and birth control increased women’s economic, political, and sexual freedom. However, with these advances came pressure to conform to powerful but contradictory archetypes. Women were expected to be both flapper and wife, sex object and mother. Furthermore, Hollywood and the emerging â€Å"science† of advertising increasingly tied conceptions of femininity to a specific standard of physical beauty attainable by few. By 1930, American women (especially affluent whites) had won newfound power and independence, but still lived in a sexist culture where their gender limited their opportunities and defined the ir place in society. World War I and industrialization both brought greater economic autonomy to American women. With immigration curtailed and hundreds of thousands of men needed for the armed forces, women’s labor became a wartime necessity. About 1.5 million women worked in paying jobs during the war, with many more employed as volunteers or secretaries and yeomen for the Army, Navy, and Marines (James and Wells, 66). Women retained few of those 1.5 million jobs after men returned from war, but the United States’ industrialized postwar economy soon provided enough work for men and women alike. Once confined to nursing, social work, teaching, or secretarial jobs, women began to find employment in new fields. According to Allen, â€Å"They ... ...r and a dutiful mother. Furthermore, large groups of American women were, by the basis of race or class, automatically excluded from the â€Å"new womanhood.† Despite significant advances, the decade of the 1920s ended much as it had began—American women, considered second-rate citizens, struggled to define femininity on their own terms. Works Cited Allen, Frederick Lewis. Only Yesterday: An Informal History of the Nineteen- Twenties. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1931. D’Emilio, John and Estelle B. Freedman. Intimate Matters: A History of Sexuality in America. 2nd ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997. Goodman, James. Stories of Scottsboro. New York: Vintage Books, 1994. James, D. Clayton and Anne Sharp Wells. America and the Great War, 1914- 1920. Wheeling, Ill.: Harlan Davidson, Inc., 1998. H427 website: