Saturday, December 28, 2019

Why Religion is Still such a Strong Force in Contemporary...

Today’s world was not one that was theorised to happen. It was believed that over time, there would be a decline in religion. It seems though that the opposite has happened. Religion is now on the rise in both Western and Eastern countries. It can be said that Religion is still very strong force in today’s society (Landmark Digital Limited 2005). This essay will respond to the question of why Religion is still such a strong force in contemporary society. The essay will look at the idea of modernity and fundamentalism and then present three arguments to why religion is still such a force despite theorist claiming that secularisation would rid the world of religion. These arguments are; firstly, globalisation has caused a uprising of fundamentalism due to the clash of civilisations, secondly, people seek the security religion gives them when the state fails to do so and, thirdly, in the western world, people still seek out religion due to the feeling of ‘emptinessâ €™ the lifestyle of the West has given them. Modernity was proposed by many sociologist such as Marx and Weber and it stated that over time as the world became more modernised and scientific advancements occurred, a decline in religion would occur in society and the mind of the individual (Kobez-Halvarson 2004). This is what was called the secularisation thesis. Secularisation is the detachment of the state from religious foundations (secularization 2009). Globalisation allowed this idea to infiltrate all corners orShow MoreRelatedReligion Is A Social Institution Essay1378 Words   |  6 PagesReligion is a social institution dedicated to establishing a shared sense of identity, encouraging social integration, and offering believers a sense of meaning and purpose. Even though the participation of religious practices varies from place to place, it still continues to be a major force in the world and in individual lives. Each religion has unique content to it. Usually that includes a supernatural realm, such as heaven, but tha t does not necessarily mean it is outside our world. There areRead MoreThe Ways Gender Difference Is A Basis For Inequality974 Words   |  4 PagesCritically Analyse the ways gender difference is a basis for inequality in contemporary society? Gender refers to the socially constructed categories of feminine and masculine. It is one of the major factors in social difference and inequality in today’s society. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

The Cuases, Effects, and Prevention of Homophobia in America

Homophobia is an immense issue in todays society, but especially in America. The completely irrational prejudices against the community of this country is on the rise. This is due to a number of causes of which we as the American people have the ability to change. We must closely exam the causes and the effects of homophobia in America to completely understand why and where this is still occurring in modern day society and how it may be further prevented. Homosexuality has existed as long as humanity itself, and with homosexuality always seems homophobia, or the completely extreme and irrational fear or aversion to homosexuality and homosexual people, is sure to exist. This prejudice against homosexuals has been in one way or another†¦show more content†¦America’s government is tainted with people thinking in this mindset, especially among the republican party. Politicians are openly allowed to â€Å"smear† the gay community with their extremely bigoted comments, and have recently succeeded in allowing others to freely do so also. In the state of Michigan, republicans have managed to pass bill 137, a bill that promotes bullying. One has to think twice to really absorb that the state has actually done such an absurd thing. In this bill it is now okay to freely and openly express ones feelings towards another, harass, bully, what ever it is they want, as long as they can support their claims with a moral or religi ous view. This is of course a horrendous and stupid idea. After the bill was successfully passed, Senate Minority Leader Gretchen Whitmer (D-East Lansing), took to the floor of the Senate to voice her outrage at the amended language and the danger of the exemptions: â€Å"Here today you claim to be protecting kids and you re actually putting them in more danger. But bullying is not OK. We should be protecting public policy that protects kids, all kids, from bullies, all bullies. But instead you have set us back further by creating a blueprint for bullying. Shockingly, Senate Bill 137 will do more harm than good. Senate Republicans left our students behind in favor of partisan politics and passed a

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Persian Women Rights Essay Example For Students

Persian Women Rights Essay Organized and Institutionalized Sexual Exploitation and Violence The Press Law and Women Bill was ratified into law on the 13th of August 1998 in Iran; it is the Fifth Amendment of Article 6 of the press law. The bill states that, commercial use of womens image and texts declaring womens issues, humiliation, insult, propagation of formality, use of ornaments, and defending womens beyond the bounds of legal and religious law is forbidden. Violators of the law will be punished with lashes and imprisonment, as well as losing their publication license. Consequences of Press Law and Women Bill include: According to this amendment, supporting or defending the rights of women in any publication is strictly banned because it is believed that such arguments create more contention and adversity between men and women. However, men are excluded from the above law. This encourages a culture of male chauvinism. The ratification of this bill does not allow any criticism advocacy, in the press, of the laws governing womens rights. This bill will ban all female images, texts, or arguments for modification of the existing law. Therefore, womens issues are completely invisible in the media. This bill will create conflicts between the clerical community and the press because the law has never defined commercial use of womens image and text. Therefore, the subject is completely left at personal interpretation and judgment. Because of the fanatic nature of Islamic rulers, this amendment means complete elimination of women from public media. Married Iranian women require their husbands permission to apply for a passport, according to Article 18 of the passport law. In case of an emergency or absence of the husband, the public prosecutors office can issue the permit within 3 days from the date of the application. Islamic government does not recognize the divorces and the marriages administered in foreign countries unless they are endorsed by Iranian embassies, consulates, or the rituals are repeated in Iran. The consequences are: If an Iranian married couple immigrate to a foreign country and divorce according to the laws of that country, the divorce is not legitimate for the woman. The process must be repeated in the Islamic embassy or the consulate. If each of the spouses remarries separately after the divorce in the overseas country and travels to Iran, the wife could be arrested and tried for committing adultery. The punishment for adultery is burying the woman in the ground and stoning her to death. However, this does not apply to the man. By law, the man is not in marriage violation. If a couple have children, and the court granted custody of the children to the mother, if they traveled to Iran, the husband could take the children away from his ex-wife because husband is the sole custodian for the children. No custody privilege is granted to women under any circumstance. If a couple divorce in a foreign country and then travel to Iran to finalize their divorce proceeding, the divorce process for the woman might take years because the consent of the husband is always necessary to finalize the divorce. The husband may go ahead and marry another woman while his case is pending with the first wife. Under laws imposed after the 1979 revolution, women: Must cover all parts of their bodies (including their hair) except for the face and hands, with loose-fitting garments. Unrelated couples are not allowed to socialize at all. The penalties for violating these rules, imposed in the name of preventing social vice, vary from simple reprimands to lashes and payment of fines, and even execution by stoning in the case of illicit sexual relationships. The Iranian Human Rights Working Group (IHRWG) maintains that these laws are in violation of Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), to which Iran is a signatory. .u4dff15070a44bdc1b095923b771047f3 , .u4dff15070a44bdc1b095923b771047f3 .postImageUrl , .u4dff15070a44bdc1b095923b771047f3 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u4dff15070a44bdc1b095923b771047f3 , .u4dff15070a44bdc1b095923b771047f3:hover , .u4dff15070a44bdc1b095923b771047f3:visited , .u4dff15070a44bdc1b095923b771047f3:active { border:0!important; } .u4dff15070a44bdc1b095923b771047f3 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u4dff15070a44bdc1b095923b771047f3 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u4dff15070a44bdc1b095923b771047f3:active , .u4dff15070a44bdc1b095923b771047f3:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u4dff15070a44bdc1b095923b771047f3 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u4dff15070a44bdc1b095923b771047f3 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u4dff15070a44bdc1b095923b771047f3 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u4dff15070a44bdc1b095923b771047f3 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u4dff15070a44bdc1b095923b771047f3:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u4dff15070a44bdc1b095923b771047f3 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u4dff15070a44bdc1b095923b771047f3 .u4dff15070a44bdc1b095923b771047f3-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u4dff15070a44bdc1b095923b771047f3:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Teen suicide Essay On May 18, 1998, some 20 women and girls were arrested by the Iranian police in Tehran for socializing with unrelated men or failing to observe the strict dress code that is mandated for women. These types of arrest have occurred regularly since 1980. In April, 1998, an Iranian girl, detained by authorities on suspicion that she was having a relationship with a man, committed .

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Continuous Improvement Quality And Employee Safety †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Continuous Improvement Quality And Employee Safety. Answer: Introduction The need for quality and employee safety is inherent necessity for any organisation. Errors are caused by system failure and hence it is important to implement different types of process-improvement approaches to understand inefficiencies plaguing the project and impacting on system performances. Specific techniques aiming at identifying performance and improve change or managing change is necessity in this case study on Latino Engineering. In this essay a thorough discussion on different strategies as well as techniques and tools for quality improvement have been discussed in detail (Richardson, 2010). The essay hence focuses on root cause analysis to identify the reason behind such crisis and complaint on product quality which further have been used to improve the quality and safety of the engineering firm. It has been hence recommended here that considering quality management approach shall help in improving product quality and overall business management in the next three months. Body After studying the respective case study on Latino Engineering it is evident that the company performed impressively for several years. The company was enriched with about 300 employees who worked jointly to offer finest quality products and clients were satisfied for past 30 years. However, when the owner left the company and attracted fresh investment when he retired, several employees left while the new investors managed to retain most of the workforce. However, as the seniors left the organisation, the companys performance deteriorated with time, and soon within just 12 months time clients begun complaining about the product quality and on defective engineering equipment. Several other issues cropped up, such as poor customer management, application and use of wrong engineering equipment, wrong products delivered to clients and so on. In short, the performance quality deteriorated immensely and client dissatisfaction soared (Nair, 2011). In order to overcome the situation the following quality management approach has been suggested for reviving the brand and reconnecting with clientele to enhance profitability and sustainability in the respective market. Implementation of quality management approaches not only helps in improving adaptability of the business to the changes taking place within the business, such as the change in management, here in Latino Engineering the shift in ownership from single proprietorship to investment company has impacted on overall employee performance. Total Quality Management approach has been selected for enhancing the companys performance in the coming three months as TQM is a process that aims at leading to achieve continuous improvement of performance of the company while considering the expectations and meeting the need of stakeholders. Therefore in order to sustain in the growing competition in the respective industry vertical the company should produce quality products and satisfy the various needs of the clients and revive the brand image by improving products and services (Oakland, 2014). TQM process helps in improving the quality by offering a defined guideline for managing the quality of the p roduct. It is a unique system which comprise of key components like leadership, teamwork, scientific approach towards solving the problem and also incorporation of effective techniques to meet the expectations of the internal and external customer. The strategy is to adopt new management system and enhance productivity, adapt to the changes taking place in the company and ensure absolute client satisfaction. TQM in theory and practice: TQM is also an important tool that provides direction to an organisation towards improvement of the product quality. The leadership helps in developing the plan and guiding the company through various challenges it is facing. The Total Quality Management approach therefore helps in streamlining and planning employees contribution in a systematic way to ensure growth, sustenance and profitability. Hence, since most of the senior employees have left the company Latino Engineering, the top managers who are functioning at the leading position should be guided accordingly so that they successfully manage employees and ensure client satisfaction through implementation of effective leadership skill (Brue, 2009). When top managers offer adequate guidance the employees follow the instruction and meet the desired quality as expected by the clients. Five Dimensions of Total Quality Management: There are five key dimensions in total quality management and these are directly linked with the service delivering aspect of the business and linked with the external body that helps in proper service delivery to the client. This approach is based on the classical theory of the Total Quality Management and it further confirms that services will be improved and excellent quality services shall be offered to the service receiver from the service provider. Client satisfaction will be hence achieved in a defined way (Desai, 2010). The second dimension in TQM however details on the internal aspect of the business and emphasises on understanding the internal behaviour of the employees. It is here a thorough analysis is conducted to understand how the employees behave with the top management under the principles of the Total Quality Management (Gygi, Williams and DeCarlo, 2010). The evaluation could be properly understood by explaining the process in a step- by-step basis. It is therefore based on this dimension that an individual focuses on improvement on performance and he is willing to reach the next level by delivering impressive performance through commitment towards the target audience. It is therefore not always possible to adhere to the dimensions of TQM and meet the expectations of the client and the top management. The third dimension of Total Quality Management is about ways in which the top management recognises the internal stakeholders and how they behave with employees in order to maintain absolute harmony. This dimension involves special features like employee training and empowerment of the juniors (Shaffie and Shahbazi, 2012). It is here the various techniques of employee management are mentioned in a distinct way. Such as ways of encouraging employees and how to involve them in taking responsibility and improve their knowledge and skill set that improves overall performance of the company. In this practice the entire team is expected to participate and various activities like brainstorming and feedback helps in improving performance through motivation. Effective implementation of the dimension also leads to creation and development of a harmonious environment among employees and ensures seamless delivery of services and maximum client satisfaction (Boaden, 2007). In the fourth dimension of TQM the relationship between the members are discussed, for instance it discusses the horizontal relationship among the employees and is often known as parallel connection within staff or between two staff members of the company where the principle of TQM could be applied for improvement (Kanji, 2014). The fifth dimension however discusses about the relationship between the supplier and the entire process of total quality management that has been decided for implementation through apt collaboration of activities (Bisgaard, 2010). In this particular situation on Latino Engineering implementation of the fifth dimension of TQM demands special attention and also a formal system so that specific approaches could be implemented. Five dimensions are important and should be implemented to ensure sustenance. As far as the new plan for implementation of Total Quality management is concerned, the implementation of specific dimension and adherence to nurturing apt horizontal relationship within the particular organisation will aim at providing sustainable growth and earn high profit and meet growth option by offering client satisfaction. Deployment of talented employees and maintain consistency in offering quality services will help in reviving the brand image. Thus since senior staffs members have left the company, it is essential to hire experienced and productive task force in the management level so as to achieve adequate guidance in performance management and improvement in overall performance (Prashar, 2014). TQM has developed as a response from the successful companies to achieve rapid growth and sustenance amidst changing environment. Over the years clients needs have changed drastically and it is difficult for companies to understand the exact nature of customer need or the reason behind dissatisfaction as in the case of Latino Engineering. Thus to overcome the issue implementation of TQM approaches are likely to bring benefits as it helps in identifying the key requirements of the client that has impacted on overall performance of the brand. The systematic development of approaches under the guidance of TQM thus helps in taking right decision and ensures client satisfaction. According to (Garcia, 2009) Total Quality Management approaches should be customer oriented as it begins and ends with consumer and takes initiative to meet customer expectation. The key aim of TQM lies in creating value for customers through continuous improvement and quality advancement. Successful implementatio n of TQM in Latino Engineering will not only improve product quality, but also emphasises on enhancing the quality of services. Thus besides considering the five main dimensions of TQM, performance measurement is also essential (Gitlow, 2008). According to the TQM principles the company should implement TQM and improve quality of the product and services in a defined way. It has been implemented in different sectors and has helped in improving performance of the organisation which in a way helped in achieving long-term success and customer satisfaction. According to Stevenson Total Quality in a business is a unique philosophy that will help in involving stakeholders and ensure client satisfaction through adequate quality (Lock, 2013). There are eight principles of Total Quality Management, namely; Customer focus Effective leadership Involving people Process driven approach Continuous improvement Factual decision making Process driven approaches, and Encouraging supplier relationship These principles jointly aim at ensuring quality of product and key responsibility is to ensure absolute satisfaction. For instance Latino Engineering was known for quality product and customers were happy till the entrepreneur was running the business. However with change in management the business experienced several threats and other problems. In the recovery plan it may be mentioned that, every individual should function accordingly and share responsibility in a defined way to ensure quality services. Thus after the change in the management structured approaches should be considered in the managing process and also quality checking approaches should be implemented at every stage (Kessler, 2011). In order to implement TQM which is influenced by W.E Deming and later by the Toyota Production System and Lean operations, in the principle of TQM that is to be implemented here in the case of Latino Engineering: Management commitment plan, deploy, check and review and then implement and act to achieve defined goals (Keller, 2011). Employee empowerment- training, measurement and recognition and team excellence Fact based decision making SOE, TOPS, 7 statistical tools Continuous improvement-excellence team, system measurement, improve standard Customer Focus- partnership with stakeholders, no compromise on quality and customer driven product Implementation of recovery plan: Continuous improvement by implementing TQM Since TQM is concerned with continuous improvement in work it is essential to focus on overall improvement to achieve desired result in next three months time. Improving overall process needs improvement in capability of production and performance. Unless quality product has been produced continuous improvement at various level is impossible (Kinicki and Williams, 2008). The central plan lies in primarily focusing on investing in technologies to improve overall performance, operation and capability of individual. The root cause of sudden failure in business could be hence identified by conducting internal audit at every level. System operation procedure or SOP will be implemented to understand the root cause of such a crisis that has suddenly impacted on the business. Once the causes are identified they could be eliminated so that repetition does nit takes place. Process implementation: As far as implementation of the TQM process in concerned people should understand and feel the need for change within the existing system. In this part the leader enters with a motive and aims at strategically intervene the situation and implements his new vision and other approaches to improve quality of the services. Identifying the need for change: primarily the Latino Engineering management and as aproject management consultant implementation of TQM and Six Sigma model is likely to help the company overcome the problems in next three months time. Six Sigma is a set of selected tools and chosen techniques that are implemented to improve overall quality of the project (Breyfogle, 2013). Six Sigma was introduced by Bill Smith and Mikel J Harry when they were working in Motorola. Six Sigma aims at removing key reasons for damaging the product quality or defects happening in products and also minimising problems in the production process so that quality output or end products could be achieved and client satisfaction may be received (Peris-Ortiz, A?lvarez-Garci?a and Rueda-Armengot, 2015). The Six Sigma model aims at taking specific steps to value target audience, reduce overall processing time, decreases overall project cost, enhance the level of customer satisfaction and also increase profit earni ng. This model identifies problems in customer need and Six Ms such as machine, measurement, material, manpower, method and Mother Nature are considered here to reduce existing problems in the system and eliminate them to improve customer satisfaction which reduce overall expenditure of the product development (Lock, 2013). Following the DMAIC model will help in eliminating the crisis in a short period of time. DMAIC Six Sigma model is a data driven application that is implemented to improve the production process. This is an important approach in the Six Sigma initiative and could be implemented for improvement and enhance the process performances. DMAIC- Define: defining the issue and identifying improvement opportunity and project goals to ensure customer satisfaction. Measure- measuring the performance of the process in a defined way (Garcia, 2009). Analyse- explore the entire process to identify the root cause of the problem and what is leading to poor performance Improve enhance the process performance by considering the key causes for problems and finally eliminating those issues. Control improve the quality of the process and ensure improvement in future endeavours. DMAIC model helps in improving project quality within a short while and ensures overall quality improvement in a defined way (Nicoletti, 2013). From the discussion of (Barry, Murcko and Brubaker, 2011) it has been studied that developed in auto industry in Japan TQM today is implemented in different sectors to ensure continuous quality improvement and reduce overall product development expenditure.Project management is an art and should be managed in a significant manner. People and stakeholders are an integral part ofproject management and demands involvement and adequate management within specific budget and ensuring fulfilment of customer expectation. Projects however share similar needs and key characteristics. The plan given in the appendix clearly highlights ways in which the project will be managed and implemented to overcome the crisis in three months time period (McCarty, 2013). Conclusion It could be hence inferred here thatproject management should be planned in a strategic way so that the principles and rules are properly followed and goals are achieved. The crisis could be easily overcome by implementing Total Quality Management Six Sigma and ensuring continuous improvement in the process of overall performance in production and client management. Adhering to the steps of Six Sigma will not only help in reconnecting with clients, but will further ensure that the project cost reduces and the brand successfully reconnects with the clients and revive the image in a defined way. Reconnecting with existing customers will soon help in improving overall business and attract new customers for growth and prosperity. Thus following the guideline will help in improving business in the coming trimester. References Barry, R., Murcko, A. and Brubaker, C. (2011).The six sigma book for healthcare. Chicago: Health Administration Press. Bisgaard, S. (2010). The role of scientific method in quality management.Total Quality Management, 11(3), pp.295-306. Boaden, R. (2007). Is total quality management really unique?.Total Quality Management, 7(5), pp.553-570. Breyfogle, F. (2013).Implementing six sigma. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Brue, G. (2009).Six Sigma for managers. Desai, D. (2010).Six sigma. Mumbai [India]: Himalaya Pub. House. Garcia, D. (2009).Quality management. Chandni Chowk, Delhi [India]: Global Media. Gitlow, H. (2008).Quality Management. Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited. Gygi, C., Williams, B. and DeCarlo, N. (2010).Six sigma for dummies. Kanji, G. (2014).Total quality management process. Madras, India: Productivity Press. Keller, P. (2011).Six sigma demystified. New York: McGraw-Hill. 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