Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Final Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Final Project - Essay Example The First Amendment protects the rights of individuals, including prisoners, to their freedom of communication via letters. It makes Jail Officers wonder why other charges like harassment or deprivation from access to court were included in the complaints. Knowing the drug syndicates have lots of means to access lawyers and media, this can be a clear indication of the effectiveness of the new Mail management system against unwanted activities in jail. Or Civil Rights Groups may be right up to a certain extent. There should be more transparency and clarifications concerning the initiatives of the Department of Corrections. What should be made known to the public ought to appease every listener and definitely satisfy courts and lawyers as soon as they hear those explanations for clarifications. The government’s lawyer should be made to clarify that the procedures are merely temporary. And the reason for its being temporary ought to be further explained to judges behind closed do ors. Security measures require some level of confidentiality and private discussions among lawyers and judges only. II.Details A.Statement of Facts A new mail policy of the Department of Correction dictated the specification for incoming and outgoing communications by saying that communication â€Å"must be on a 5x7 inch pre-stamped postcard†. Even the ink color was restricted. Return address had to be either written or printed. Adhesive label was not allowed. However, there were logical reasons connected to law enforcement against the entry of contraband through mails. The other reason was not directly related to law enforcement, because the Correction Officers simply wanted to make it easier for them to manage the mails daily in the light of insufficient Staff. There was also a policy that would provide three FREE postcards per week for indigents. To be considered indigent, the prisoner â€Å"must have less than $ 10.00 balance for 45 days prior to the request for indigent supplies.† If not indigent, a prisoner will have to buy the 5 x 7 postcard for $0.50 cents per post card. As a result of these changes, the Department of Corrections received complaint suits for violating the 1st Amendment civil rights pertaining to freedom of expression. Complainants also accused the department of invading the privacy of prisoners, of interfering with the prisoners’ access to the courts, of harassing prisoners, of not having a legitimate purpose, of being unnecessarily different from most other prisons in the management of packages and letters. Is it right to heed a few legislators who wanted the Corrections Department to revert back to the original process of mailing? What should be done in response to newspaper editorials’ condemnation of the changes believed to be unnecessary? Figure 1 shows the contents of The First Amendment, as follows: Figure 1. The First Amendment â€Å"CONGRESS SHALL MAKE NO LAW RESPECTING AN ESTABLISHMENT OF RELIGION , OR PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF; OR ABRIDGING THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH, OR OF THE PRESS; OR THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE PEACEABLY TO ASSEMBLE, AND TO PETITION THE GOVERNMENT FOR A REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES.† Included in the first amendment are the following implied situations: 1. Censorship is a violation of the freedom of speech. (SCJ Stewart, Potter 1966, Ginzberg v. US, 383 US 463) 2. â€Å"The right to think is the beginning of freedom†¦speech is the beginning of thought.† (SCJ Kennedy, Anthony M. in Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition) B.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Edna’s First and Second Awakenings Essay Example for Free

Edna’s First and Second Awakenings Essay When Kate Chopin’s â€Å"The Awakening† was published in 1899 the Industrial Revolution and the feminist movement were already beginning to emerge. However, they were still overshadowed by the prevailing attitudes of the nineteenth century (SparkNotes Editors). In the conservative state of Louisiana, from where the author had met her husband, for example, the feminist movement was almost absent that there still exist a law that considers a woman as the property of her husband. â€Å"The Awakening† in general is a novel about how the female protagonist was able to find and discover her own identity as a woman, gained independence, and learn the value of equality and freedom. However, it is also a novel about the social constraints of women during this Victorian era, about how Edna discovered in the end that she was still alone in the process of her ‘awakening,’ thus undergoing a ‘second awakening’. Chopin offered a different treatment of the traditional woman of society who is often portrayed to be under the mercy of their male counterparts, weak, and definitely restricted. Here, Edna, the female protagonist, is in the process of rediscovering herself, her world, and slowly learning what freedom and equality means. The story revolves around her as she slowly undergoes this process in such a way that the novel could actually fall under the genre of Bildungsroman—a sort of a coming-of-age story—wherein Edna, through her acquaintance with Adelle, has evolved from a restricted wife to a woman free from any form of male domination. This kind of approach had given a tone that offers a ‘sympathetic view toward the actions and emotions of the sexually aware and independent female protagonist. ’ One of the more important motifs in the novel is Edna’s swimming. The first time she had swum in the novel demonstrate the first moment of her awakening. It gave her the feeling of being strong. By and by, through her acquaintances in the Grand isle, particularly Adelle, she learned that she could be actually open about what she feels, that she could say it directly without being afraid. She also continued painting to relinquish her youth soon afterwards—another form of self-expression. And with Robert and Alcee, she had demonstrated freedom in her love, passion and sexuality. All these events that happened in her life contributed to her first ‘awakening,’ the awakening that pertains to her self-rediscovery and a gaining independence. It is at this moment that â€Å"She began to look with her own eyes; to see and to apprehend the deeper undercurrents of life. No longer was she content to â€Å"feed upon opinion† when her own soul had invited her (Chapter 32). † Her second awakening happened after Robert had turned his back on her for the sole reason of not being able to rise over the expectations of their society. She had, for some reasons realized that despite all of her discoveries, the freedom that she had received, she was still alone. She felt the burden or the suffering that corresponds to all her learning and individuality for her society could still not accept the kind of woman she had become. Perhaps her action when she had swum again in the later chapter of the novel, when she committed suicide, is a symbolism of this second awakening. The solitude she had felt drove her there because she might have realized her true position in her society and therefore believes that only by ending her life could she free herself from every expectation there is. She was awakened. Again. And thus she says, â€Å"The years that are gone seem like dreams—if one might go on sleeping and dreaming—but to wake up and find—oh! well! Perhaps it is better to wake up after all, even to suffer, rather than to remain a dupe to illusions all one’s life (Chapter 38). † Basically, for me, the novel is not simply about a single awakening. It is a two-sided representation of the status/role of women during the Victorian era. It definitely showed how constrained these women are through the biases and prejudices thrown against Edna. But it has also showed how these women, through Edna, are struggling to free themselves from these constraints, how they are willing to suffer than to remain disillusioned, but still overshadowed by the prevailing attitudes of the majority. It might as well be also pertaining not only to Edna’s awakening but the awakening of all the women of that particular era. These women are all awakened, willing to fight for their independence, for equality. Unfortunately, the prevailing ideas of the people around them would only awaken them for the second time, so that they would realize that their position in their society at that time could be sometimes suffocating that they would rather drown themselves than submit to male domination. REFERENCE SparkNotes Editors. â€Å"SparkNote on The Awakening. † SparkNotes. com. SparkNotes LLC. 2002. Web. 19 Jul. 2010. For the quoted passages:

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Adolphe Sax the Creator of the Saxaphone :: essays research papers

Adolphe Sax didn't know what kind of monster he created, but as history bluntly tells us, it wasn't any four-eyed, flying, purple people eater. Adolphe came upon a horn that would capture many imaginations, save a couple of military bands, define jazz, and win over lame highschool kids like Lily. This colorful history has more kinks in it than your standard garden hose, people have terrorized it, belittled it, outlawed it, and (last, but not least) demonized it. The saxophone, though one of the youngest players in the music world today, has more castatrophes and triumphs in it's history than the brass family rolled up together (and thrown at lame highschool kids like Brekke.) Why is this so? Where did it start? Marco? Polo? Well it started one fine day... Adolphe, the hero for the first part of the story, was born in Brussels on November 19, 1814. His father, Charles Sax, was Belgium's chief instrument maker and he was intent on passing the trade on to Adolphe. But, much like the history of the sax, Adolphe encountered many accidents to hinder these dreams. Adolphe wasn't a graceful boy and was prone to accidents like nearly drowning, falling down stairs, and the occasional fire in father's workshop. None the less by his teens he was showing exceptional skill at instrument making. In Belgium there was a convention every year, the Brussels Industrial Exposition. At fifteen Adolphe submitted a clarinet and two flutes of ivory (1830). Before he was twenty he had created a new fingering system on the soprano clarinet and redesigned the bass clarinet. Bass clarinets, beautiful and boisterous instruments, were once unreliable and unplayable instruments. Adolphe turned the monster into an elegant, regal low wind that (gasp) played in tune. But he was turned down from first place, not because of quality, but age. On the bias of age, judges roasted Adolphe, claiming he would not be appreciative of the honor at such a young age. Not appreciative of their conclusion, he turned to Paris. At twenty-eight (1842) he set off for Paris, then the instrument-making capital (still is), to set up shop. Filled with more ambitious ideas and brilliance than his father, he stomped into town and made as much noise settling in as possible. Now to really paint this picture you must have the scenario.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Flappers and Mothers: New Women in the 1920s Essay -- American History

Flappers and Mothers: New Women in the 1920s Frederick Lewis Allen, in his famous chronicle of the 1920s Only Yesterday, contended that women’s â€Å"growing independence† had accelerated a â€Å"revolution in manners and morals† in American society (95). The 1920s did bring significant changes to the lives of American women. World War I, industrialization, suffrage, urbanization, and birth control increased women’s economic, political, and sexual freedom. However, with these advances came pressure to conform to powerful but contradictory archetypes. Women were expected to be both flapper and wife, sex object and mother. Furthermore, Hollywood and the emerging â€Å"science† of advertising increasingly tied conceptions of femininity to a specific standard of physical beauty attainable by few. By 1930, American women (especially affluent whites) had won newfound power and independence, but still lived in a sexist culture where their gender limited their opportunities and defined the ir place in society. World War I and industrialization both brought greater economic autonomy to American women. With immigration curtailed and hundreds of thousands of men needed for the armed forces, women’s labor became a wartime necessity. About 1.5 million women worked in paying jobs during the war, with many more employed as volunteers or secretaries and yeomen for the Army, Navy, and Marines (James and Wells, 66). Women retained few of those 1.5 million jobs after men returned from war, but the United States’ industrialized postwar economy soon provided enough work for men and women alike. Once confined to nursing, social work, teaching, or secretarial jobs, women began to find employment in new fields. According to Allen, â€Å"They ... ...r and a dutiful mother. Furthermore, large groups of American women were, by the basis of race or class, automatically excluded from the â€Å"new womanhood.† Despite significant advances, the decade of the 1920s ended much as it had began—American women, considered second-rate citizens, struggled to define femininity on their own terms. Works Cited Allen, Frederick Lewis. Only Yesterday: An Informal History of the Nineteen- Twenties. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1931. D’Emilio, John and Estelle B. Freedman. Intimate Matters: A History of Sexuality in America. 2nd ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997. Goodman, James. Stories of Scottsboro. New York: Vintage Books, 1994. James, D. Clayton and Anne Sharp Wells. America and the Great War, 1914- 1920. Wheeling, Ill.: Harlan Davidson, Inc., 1998. H427 website:

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

How Far Was Edward Iv Responsible for His Own Deposition in 1470?

How far was Edward responsible for his own desposition in 1470? When Edward VI became King in 1461, he had to deal with some unfavourable circumstances. Edward had not executed his enemies; Henry VI, Prince Edward, or Margaret of Anjou, so they escaped to Scotland. This provided an alternative King for Edward's opponents to support. He was also a usurper to the throne, therefore the majority of the nobility that were still loyal to Henry VI could use this to their favour. Additionally, Edward did not control the distant parts of the country, especially the North of England and Wales.The Kingdom was extremely divided. There were still Lancastrian castles in the Midlands that needed to be captured and/or destroyed. His government was also in severe debt. Considering Edward's age and inexperience, it was unlikely he would be able to deal with this situation effectively and provide the best possible outcomes. However, some circumstances were actually quite favourable. Although he had to deal with a difficult situation, it would be practically impossible for Edward to do much worse than the disaster King who reigned before him, Henry VI.Edward had also proved his military credentials as a warrior King at the battles of Mortimer's Cross and Towton, showing he was not as incompetent a leader as Henry VI. He was also an ideal candidate for kingship because he was both tall and charismatic, and although he was a usurper to the throne, he was technically the strongest claimant. The beginning of Edward's first reign can be considered reasonably successful. Edward immediatly destroyed the remaining Lancastrian castles and tried to strengthen his power base by allowing a selected number of the nobility to help him, including Warwick, Montagu and Herbert.He also ordered the execution of the Earl of Oxford and his son after he discovered plots to kill the King. Then Edward, marched his army north where a Lancastrian- Scottish force invaded England, and defeated them. He also issued his close ally William Herbert to defeat opposition in Wales. However, soon after, Edward started to show his weaknesses. Edward decided he was going to try to win over some of his opposition, rather than show them no mercy. He welcomed Somerset, a leading Lancastrian to court and allowed him to join him in all his King-like events, such as hunting, jousting and even sharing the same sleeping quarters.Sir Ralph Percy, was also given back his castles as a sign of Edward's willingness to trust him. This proved unpopular among the Yorkist nobility, and rightly so, as in the end, both Somerset and Percy betrayed him by fleeing back to Henry and handing over their castles to the Scots. Finally, Somerset was recaptured and executed. Although Edward's mistake was not as severe as other mistakes, such as marrying Elizabeth Woodville, it was his first mistake proving his naivity and inexperience. His choice of wife was his most major mistake. Most English kings married foreign princes ses to create alliances and to increase diplomatic influence.It would also prevent an alliance between the Lancastrians and France. Edward knew that marrying Elizabeth Woodville, a woman from low nobility, would be considered a serious error, so he married her in secret. Her previous marriage was to a Lancastrian, Thomas Grey, another reason as to why he shouldn't have married her. In addition, Elizabeth Woodville had an extremely large family, which meant the King would have to reward his new family with patronage and titles. This created resentment among noble families, there was now less land and titles for them to gain and less places for leading nobles at court.The Woodvilles also invaded the marriage market significantly. Elizabeth's 5 sisters all married into important noble families, reducing the prospects of other Yorkist nobles. By 1475, Edward had split the nobility even more than it had been before and this was mainly his fault. Warwick, was increasingly resenting the Ki ng for a number of reasons. He had been negotiating with the King of France, Louis XI, to marry Bona of Savoy, a French princess to Edward. When he discovered that Edward had already married Elizabeth Woodville in secret, he was humiliated.As well as this, now that the Woodvilles were in the marriage buisness, Warwick's arrangements to marry his two daughters were now ruined. One of Elizabeth's sons, Thomas Grey married Anne Holland, who was meant to marry one of Warwick's nephews. Not only did he antagonize Warwick in the marriage industry, but he also implemented his own ideas in foreign policy, creating an alliance with Burgundy rather than France, therefore completely ignoring Warwick's suggestion. The traditional view of Edward's first reign was that he was too young and inexperienced to rule effectively, but by his second reign he controlled the situation much better.However, some historians such as Professor Carpenter have argued in opposition to this view. He did cope extrem ely well in both Lancastrian and foreign interference. He did not allow Warwick or the Woodvilles to dominate him, and by antagonizing Warwick he was proving his independance from the ‘Kingmaker'. Besides, Warwick was extremely difficult to please. He was not satisified even after he had recieved a number of titles and land. Edward did not give him land in Wales that he had originally requested because Edward desperately needed a wider power base, so he gave this land to the Herberts.Warwick was so ambitious, he was even willing to go against the Yorkist regime to get what he wanted. He joined forces with the King's brother, Clarence, as they both resented the Woodvilles. He did everything in his power to antagonize the King. He arranged for Clarence to marry one of his daughter's against the King's wishes. He also organised a rebellion against the King in the North. In doing so, he proved his extreme childish behaviour. Nobility were meant to ensure law and order, not provoke rebellion. He even organized a rebellion to make Clarence the King of England, which in hindsight, we know did not succeed.Warwick's traitory streak was on-going. He wanted to get rid of Edward VI by whatever means possible, even if it meant resorting to a French/Lancastrian alliance in 1470. He was now involving foreigners into the conflict. Warwick finally brought Henry VI back onto the throne in 1470, while Edward and his closest allies escaped the Kingdom. Overall, Edward was largely responsible for his desposition in 1470. Some of Edward's descions during his first reign can be justified, for example rewarding other nobles rather than Warwick to increase his power-base or keeping his traditional trading ally Burgundy to distance himself from Warwick.However, there are some descions that are injustifiable, mainly his marriage to Elizabeth Woodville. If this descion wasn't made, he would have probably avoided a number of conflicts with Warwick. On the other hand, Warwick and man y other nobles were overly ambitious, and if he didn't antagonize him by marrying Elizabeth Woodville, it is likely that he would have antagonized him in any other descion he made. Warwick and Clarence should also take a large part of the responsibility as they were prepared to betray their own side in pursuit of their ambitions.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Beowulf And King Arthur Compare-Contrast Essay

Beowulf and king Authur comparison essay By: Stacey Wynn Lamont The Great Ones Reveled Numerous stories about numerous heroes have been told and then retold. All of these heroes do different things and all of them have a different set of qualities which make them heroes. Due to the fact that there are only so many heroic adventures and qualities, most are shared in part with at least one other hero. Such is the case between the great hero, Beowulf, from the epic poem Beowulf and King Arthur from the story of Morte d’Arthur. These great heroes have strong similarities and a great deal of differences. Once their similarities have been compared and then dismissed it is evident that Beowulf is the greater hero of the two. True heroes do good things for good people. Such is the case in Beowulf, Beowulf leaves his homeland to help the Danish people rid themselves of the human eating monster, Grendel. This heroic quality is also evident in Morte d'Arthur, as Arthur consciously rides into a battle in order to rid his people of an evil knight who w ould not allow others to pass. Both heroes are displaying their concern for others by risking themselves in battle for the greater good. In the same aspect they are also striving for love and respect from the people they protect. In order to obtain maximum respect per battle, both Beowulf and Arthur enter into battle somewhat alone. Beowulf specifically asks, â€Å"That [he], alone and with the help of [his] men, / May purge all evil from [the] hall† (Beowulf, line 165-166). His request is granted by Hrothgar, King of the Danes, so he and his man enter into the battle themselves and when Grendel is defeated, the glory, love and respect belong solely to Beowulf and his men. Arthur does the same, â€Å"he met with his man and his horse, and so mounted up and dressed his shield and took his spear, and bade his chamberlain tarry there till he came again† (Morte d’Arthur paragraph 20). Although Ar... Free Essays on Beowulf And King Arthur Compare-Contrast Essay Free Essays on Beowulf And King Arthur Compare-Contrast Essay Beowulf and king Authur comparison essay By: Stacey Wynn Lamont The Great Ones Reveled Numerous stories about numerous heroes have been told and then retold. All of these heroes do different things and all of them have a different set of qualities which make them heroes. Due to the fact that there are only so many heroic adventures and qualities, most are shared in part with at least one other hero. Such is the case between the great hero, Beowulf, from the epic poem Beowulf and King Arthur from the story of Morte d’Arthur. These great heroes have strong similarities and a great deal of differences. Once their similarities have been compared and then dismissed it is evident that Beowulf is the greater hero of the two. True heroes do good things for good people. Such is the case in Beowulf, Beowulf leaves his homeland to help the Danish people rid themselves of the human eating monster, Grendel. This heroic quality is also evident in Morte d'Arthur, as Arthur consciously rides into a battle in order to rid his people of an evil knight who w ould not allow others to pass. Both heroes are displaying their concern for others by risking themselves in battle for the greater good. In the same aspect they are also striving for love and respect from the people they protect. In order to obtain maximum respect per battle, both Beowulf and Arthur enter into battle somewhat alone. Beowulf specifically asks, â€Å"That [he], alone and with the help of [his] men, / May purge all evil from [the] hall† (Beowulf, line 165-166). His request is granted by Hrothgar, King of the Danes, so he and his man enter into the battle themselves and when Grendel is defeated, the glory, love and respect belong solely to Beowulf and his men. Arthur does the same, â€Å"he met with his man and his horse, and so mounted up and dressed his shield and took his spear, and bade his chamberlain tarry there till he came again† (Morte d’Arthur paragraph 20). Although Ar...

Monday, October 21, 2019

John and Teresa bought Blueacre Essays

John and Teresa bought Blueacre Essays John and Teresa bought Blueacre Essay John and Teresa bought Blueacre Essay John and Teresa bought Blueacre. They are hence regarded as co-owners of the belongings. There are two chief signifiers of co-ownership. John and Teresa can keep the belongings either as joint renters or renters in common. Differentiation separates between the two types of co-ownership. One differentiation is the mode of creative activity and the 2nd is that joint occupancy is recognised as jurisprudence while occupancy in common operates in equity. A 3rd differentiation respects degeneration of belongings on decease of either Teresa or toilet. Joint occupancy simplicities estate dealing because figure owner of estate lessenings on decease. It is a signifier of ownership that jurisprudence favor. Occupancy in common on the other manus obtains favour in equity. The figure of estate owner addition on decease. Personal representatives of asleep renter are entitled to the deceased portion. In joint occupancy, renters hold the legal involvement in the estate jointly. On death of one of the renters, the lasting renter will automatically take the portion of the asleep renter. This is one of the exclusions of degeneration of estate without demand of a will. Thus, joint occupancy can non be severed by a will. Solicitors outlining a will must guarantee that the gift of belongings can go through under the will. The canvasser must break up joint occupancy before put to deathing the will. Failure of gift due to skip of the canvasser makes him apt in carelessness [ 1 ] . On the other manus, occupancy in common operates in equity and oblige a trust of belongings in favor of other renters keeping good involvement in belongings. Interest of deceased renter in the belongings will go through to his personal representatives. A differentiation in formation of joint renter and a renter in common will be conducted. A joint occupancy can be created where there is nil incompatible with its creative activity. Basically, there must be nil in renters act and behavior to propose that they intend to keep distinguishable involvement from each other. Besides, the undermentioned integrities must be applicable to obtaining rubric: Time: The involvement of the co-owners must enthrone at the same clip. Therefore, where two people obtain the same belongings at the same clip, there will be said to be integrity of clip. Basically, John and Teresa in this instance look to hold acquired involvement in Blueacre at the same clip. Title: Where the co-owners obtained rubric by the same agencies and by virtuousness of the same papers there will be unity if rubric. The co-owners must hold acquired their rubric by virtuousness of the same mode of geting ownership [ 2 ] . In this instance, it appears that rubric in Blueacre was transferred to Teresa and John by virtuousness of the same papers. Interest: Another component of joint occupancy is that the co-owners must hold indistinguishable involvement in the belongings. In this instance, Teresa and John involvement in Blueacre is indistinguishable. They can both separately exercising claim and control to the whole of the belongings. It is difficult to see any difference in the rubric held by either of them. Possession: Co-owners must hold equal right to ownership of the full belongings without any disaffection of portion of the belongings entirely to the sole ownership of any of the co-owners. Joint renters enjoy ownership of the whole belongings together [ 3 ] . The regulations sing creative activity of joint occupancy are rigorous. It must follow with the four unites explained above and there must non be any act inconsistent with creative activity a joint occupancy. Any act either by words or actions which tend to set up separate involvement to belongings will contradict the decision that a joint occupancy is created. The tribunals held the undermentioned words to contradict the creative activity of a joint occupancy [ 4 ] . Between’ [ 5 ] , to divide between’ [ 6 ] , share and portion alike’ [ 7 ] , equally’ [ 8 ] . Occupancy in common is preserved by the subdivision 36 ( 2 ) Law of Property Act 1925. This provides that no rupture of a joint occupancy of a legal estate, so as to make a occupancy in common in land, shall be allowable, whether by operation of jurisprudence or otherwise, but this subdivision does non impact the right of a joint renter to let go of his involvement to the other joint renters, or the right to break up a joint occupancy in an just involvement whether or non the legal estate is vested in the joint renters: Provided that, where a legal estate ( non being settled land ) is vested in joint renters beneficially, and any renter desires to break up the joint occupancy in equity, he shall give to the other joint renters a notice in composing of such desire or make such other Acts of the Apostless or things as would, in the instance of personal estate, have been effective to break up the occupancy in equity, †¦.. The consequence of this subdivision is that although it is non allowable to break up legal articulation renter, it is still possible for the just occupancy in common to run. The subdivision besides introduced serverance by manner if notice. Finally, the subdivision continue the earlier method of rupture of joint occupancy. As opposed to joint occupancy, occupancy in common is non every bit perfect as joint occupancy and all that is required is merely the integrity of ownership of the belongings. Therefore, there is no demand that the other integrities be present in a occupancy in common. Besides, when the four integrities are present as in joint occupancy, it may still represent a occupancy in common where there is clear purpose by the renters to handle their involvement in the belongings as separate. Furthermore, where the renters make unequal parts towards the purchase of the belongings, there is a rebuttable given that the parties intend to make occupancy in common. Besides, where the belongings is a commercial belongings, the right of survivorship will be unequal in commercial investing in belongings. However, the four integrities are present in Teresa and John’s ownership of Blueacre . They both obtained and exercised ownership to the whole belongings. They both enjoyed indistinguishable involvement to the belongings. They both acquired involvement to the belongings at the same clip and eventually, they acquired their rubric to the belongings by the same means. Finally, there is nil incompatible with creative activity of a joint occupancy in their instance. Therefore, their ownership of Blueacre will be as joint renters. The temperament by Teresa’s will of her involvement in Blueacre to the kids has no consequence. This is because John has right of subsister in the estate and joint occupancy can non be severed by a will. The right to survivorship is a legal devise towards easing temperament of estate. Rupture of joint occupancy must be in conformity to jurisprudence. There are assorted methods of break uping a joint occupancy. The simplest method is by notice created by subdivision 36 ( 2 ) LPA 1925. The notice where sent by station, must be registered and served. For service to be effectual, it must be posted to the aforementioned topographic point of residence or concern, office, or counting-house, and if that missive is non returned undelivered ; and that service shall be deemed to be made at the clip at which the registered missive would in the ordinary class be delivered. [ 9 ] The tribunal inWilliams V. Hensman[ 10 ] identified three methods of break uping a joint occupancy. These are: Act of anyone of the individuals interested runing upon his ain portion. InFirst National Securities V. Hegarty[ 11 ] , the hubby purported to mortgage the belongings by hammering the signature of his married woman. The tribunal treated this as break uping the joint occupancy and the mortgage operated as a charge on the husband’s involvement in the belongings. Common understanding. Joint occupancy can be severed by understanding. This understanding may be expressed or implied from the behavior of the parties. InBurgess V. Rawnsley[ 12 ] , the claimant and the suspect bought a belongings and each contributed every bit towards the purchase monetary value. The claimant claimed that the belongings was bought as a household house since he had purported to suggest matrimony to the suspect. The suspect was minded to populate in the upstairs flat and the claimant ever lived in the downstairs. It was besides accepted in grounds that the suspect had antecedently agreed to sell her portion of the belongings to the claimant which she later refused. On decease of the suspect, the complainant claimed as the subsister of joint occupancy. The tribunal held that there was no common intent and there was a resulting trust in favor of defendant’s personal representatives. Course of covering sufficient to adumbrate that the involvements of all were reciprocally treated as representing a occupancy in common. InBurgess V. Rawnsley[ 13 ] , the tribunal besides held that negotiations which, although non otherwise ensuing in any understanding, indicate a common purpose that the joint occupancy should be regarded as severed [ 14 ] Forfeit. This is where one of the joint renters engages in dangerous offense. For case where lasting renter kills the other renter. The rule is that offenders must non profit from their incorrect. InDunbar V Plant[ 15 ] , here, the plaintiff’s boy and the suspect had planned to acquire married and when there was allegation of fraud against one of the twosome, they planned joint self-destruction. The suspect survived and her lover died. The tribunal held that the suspect had aided, abetted and counselled the deceased’s self-destruction and as such the forfeiture regulation applied to break up the joint occupancy. InCarr and others V. Isard and another[ 16 ] , the first claimant was the senior girl of T and G. The first suspect was the girl of the younger girl of T and G. T and G bought a belongings as joint renter. Both T and G made volitions made by the same house of canvassers in 1967 but there was no grounds that they were both cognizant of the fact that the other party made a will. The term of G’s will was that the belongings should travel to T for life and balance to the first defendant’s female parent and if she predeceased G to the 2nd claimant. Thymine by his will bequest to G for life and the balance to first defendant’s female parent and if she predeceases G, to the first suspect. T died go forthing a will dated 23 November 1977 well the same as the 1967 will. G dies in 2000 go forthing a will dated 26 January 1996 different in footings as the 1967 will. The tribunal held that there is no grounds that T and G communicated their purpose to break up the joint occupancy. Consequently, the term of the 1967 will does non so break up the joint occupancy. The purpose to break up the will must be ambiguous from the act of the parties and they must hold been cognizant of the Acts of the Apostless break uping the joint occupancy. Making a will without the other party’s cognition is non plenty to break up joint occupancy. Therefore, unless Teresa severed the joint occupancy by notice or understanding, temperaments of her portion in Blueacre every bit between the kids has no consequence. John has right to survivorship in Blueacre . However, if John and Teresa had visited the canvasser together to do Teresa’s will and John had cognition that she disposed of Blueacre in mode incompatible with joint occupancy. Therefore, the joint occupancy would severe by mutualness of understanding. The fact the John’s consciousness of the mutual exclusiveness is overriding. This means that Teresa’s temperament in her will must be given consequence to and her involvement in Blueacre would travel to her donees. The same decision will avail if they both made volitions incompatible with a joint occupancy and they are both cognizant of the fact of the mutual exclusiveness. The fact in this scenario will be the same with that inWoolnough, Re, Perkins V Borden[ 17 ] , Len and Emmy owned belongings as joint renters. They both went to solicitor fain of the belongings by will. The issue before the tribunal was whether or non the joint renter had been severed. The tribunal held that the devising of two volitions is inconsistent with the continuation of the joint occupancy. Bibliography Cases: Bull V. Bull ( 1955 ) 1 QB 234 Burgess V. Rawnsley ( 1975 ) 1 Ch 429 Carr and others V. Isard and another ( 2006 ) ALL ER ( D ) 343 Dunbar V Plant ( 1989 ) FLR 157 First National Securities V. Hegarty ( 1984 ) 1 ALL ER 139 Heathe V. Heathe ( 1740 ) 2 Atk 121 Lashbrook V. Cock ( 1816 ) 2 Mer 70 Lewen V. Dodd ( 1595 ) Cro Eliz 443 Peat V. Chapman ( 1750 ) 1 Ves Sen 542 Woolnough, Re, Perkins V Borden ( 2002 ) WTLR 595 Legislative acts: Law of Property Act 1925 Trust of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act ( TOLATA ) 1996 Textbooks: Barlow, King A ; King, Wills, Administration and revenue enhancement: A practical Guide Sweet A ; Maxwell 8ThursdayEdition Judith-Anne Mackenzie A ; Mary Phillips, Textbook on Land Law, Oxford University Press 12ThursdayEdition.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Shifting Meaning of Censor

Shifting Meaning of Censor Shifting Meaning of Censor Shifting Meaning of Censor By Maeve Maddox The English word censor is used both as a noun and as a verb. In ancient Rome, a censor was one of two magistrates in charge of the census, the enrollment of the names and property assessments of all Roman citizens. Both census and censor derive from Latin censere, to appraise, value, judge. In addition to maintaining census records, the Roman censors were in charge of supervising public morality. During wartime, military censors are appointed to read the letters of service personnel to insure that no information about troop movements can be intercepted by the enemy. Some modern countries have official censors whose duty is to inspect all books and movies before publication or release to ensure that they dont contain anything offensive to the government or the established religion. India, for example, has the Central Board of Film Certification that reviews, rates, and censors motion pictures, television shows, television ads, and promotional material. Before the current classification system of G, PG, PG-23, R, and NC-17 was established in 1968, the United States motion picture industry was subject to the Motion Picture Production Code for controlling movie content and advertising. Unofficially, many groups and individuals exert themselves as self-appointed censors of the public morality, working to ban books from libraries, or objectionable CDs and magazines from store shelves. The usual meaning of censor as a verb is to suppress or remove those parts of a written work or film that are considered unacceptable for some reason. For example, in the 19th century, a bowdlerized edition of Shakespeares plays was published without such naughty parts as the porters scene in Macbeth. In the 21st century, an overzealous college professor has produced a censored edition of Huckleberry Finn. One normally censors a thing, but Im beginning to notice the word being used of people, as if it meant limiting the behavior of: Croteau and Hoynesdescribe managers censoring their employees In truth, it is totally up to the parent to censor their children to what they read and watch. Dont Censor Me (song title) I found one writer using the word censor as if it could connote magical powers of elimination: How can I censor The Epic of Gilgamesh from existing? [] How can I take this book out from my local libraries so that no one can read it The development of filtering software, often referred to as censorware, probably has something to do the shift from a thing as the object of censor to a person as the object. Censorware prevents computer users from seeing certain types of content in a browser. The software is censoring content, but from the users perspective, the users freedom of choice is being interfered with. Not surprisingly, the word censor is coming to mean something like control. Bottom line: Parents may censor the type of music their children listen to, but they dont censor their children. Corporations may censor the speech of their employees, but they dont censor the employees. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Has vs. HadDifference between "Pressing" and "Ironing"Is "Number" Singular or Plural?

Saturday, October 19, 2019


REGIONAL INTEGRATION OF GCC COUNTRIES THE CRITICAL ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION OF GCC PERFORMANCE AGAINST ITS OBJECTIVES IN THE REGI - Essay Example However, the GCC did set a number of different economic goals. In addition to the goals set forth below, the GCC decided to adopt a common oil policy; coordinate industrial policy; promote joint projects by coordinating production chains; adopt a common legal framework to aid in regional investment and trade; and link transportation networks.5 Previous to the GCC, the Arab world, similar to other developing countries, has had high tariffs, heavy state intervention in production and industries that were uncompetitive. The previous attempts to liberalize capital, trade and labour flows were implemented inconsistently and did not have implementation or follow-up.6 Part of the reason for this is because the countries in the Arab world wanted to protect their domestic industries from competition from other countries that had similar products and services to offer, and each country wanted a discretionary trade policy. Therefore, previous attempts to integrate the economics of the countries in the Arab world were modest and unsuccessful, as they focused mostly on tariff reduction, while ignoring regional trade in services and cross-border investments. 7 The regional integration that was the GCC’s objectives consisted of many different prongs. First, in 1983, the GCC pledged to establish a free trade area (FTA). Under the FTA, the GCC eliminated tariffs on goods of national origins, while the countries in the GCC were able to keep their own external tariffs. While this is a positive measure, in that it encourages trade within the countries of the GCC, there is also a drawback. The drawback is that other countries will export to the country in the GCC that has the lowest external tariffs in order to access all the markets within that region.8 The FTA was only the first step. The next step, which occurred 10 years after the establishment of the FTA, was the agreement to set a common external tariff (CET) which addresses the problem stated above concerning countrie s targeting GCC countries with the lowest tariffs. Ten years after that, in 2003, the GCC established the Customs Union (CU), which was the culmination of the CET agreement. The CU mandated that the tariffs from all goods exported from outside the region would be 5% for the GCC as a whole, while exempting certain commodities.9 However, this apparently was never implemented.10 The CU would represent a high level of economic integration, as it combines the internal elimination of tariffs with the external trade restrictions and tariff harmonization, which cements the union of the countries, in that it requires the creation of a common regulatory body along with common policies regarding external trade. 11 The single market was implemented at roughly the same time as the FTA. What the single market concept does is that it enables individuals to freely move from country to another within the GCC zone for employment and residential purposes. Therefore, an individual can move from one cou ntry in the GCC to another and enjoy the same right of ownership, inheritance and bequest in

Friday, October 18, 2019

Will upload documents about the topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Will upload documents about the topic - Essay Example orld outward stock of FDI was estimated to be $10,672 billion in 2005 (EC, 2015).This huge amount was due to the increasing activities of multinationals. These activities of Multinational enterprises have a direct impact on rising amount of world GDP. The overall global foreign direct investments have been fluctuating over the last few years. One of the reasons for this was the economic and financial crisis that has affected the world economy. Economic crisis of 2008 has changed the behavior of the international investors and they have become more cautious before making investment in other countries. If the Foreign direct investment flow for the last few years has been analyzed; then a fluctuating trend can be identified. FDI flows had declined in the year 2012. However this flow had increased again in the year 2013. This increase in the FDI Flows was caused in the era of 2010 and 2013 because FDI flows during this period were less influenced by the global financial and economic crisis. Total FDI outflows increased approximately by 57Â  % in the year 2011. From this, the equity capital and reinvested earnings were the main cause of this increment as reported by EC (2015). However, in the year 2012, outward flows of FDI dropped a gain. This decline in FDI was caused due to reduced FDI activity with some traditional partners. Then in the year 2013, the FDI flow rose again up to 12Â  %. The main source of improving FDI was The United States and its direct investment into the European Union that rose approximately three times more than the year 2013 (EC, 2015). At the present time, Multinationals have become an integral part of life. Today, a local citizen can drive a BMW or Toyota. He can work at the IBM office while staying in his own country, eat at McDonalds, use an Apple cell phone, etc. All of these luxuries and facilities have been possible due to the existence of Multinationals Enterprises. It is due to these Multinational outlets that citizen of one country can

Decision Making, Decision Levels and Types of Problems Research Paper

Decision Making, Decision Levels and Types of Problems - Research Paper Example System theories such as decision theory (involving studies on how to choose better solutions) and game theory (involving studies on conflict identification and resolution) are useful in organizations today. However, as organizations are governed by complex systems, there are also corresponding approaches that go with these theories. According to Walonick (1993, para. 5), there are two different approaches used in understanding a system or its components, the cross-sectional and developmental approaches. In the cross-sectional approach, a system is analyzed in relation to other systems while in the developmental approach, a system is analyzed through the changes that it undergoes throughout time. These approaches are used to understand a particular, general system; either in its own context, or in the context of its relations to other systems. Accordingly, these approaches are practiced in various fields in arts (e.g. architecture) and sciences (e.g. medicine, computer studies). Gener al Systems Theory and Approach in Information Technology As system theories and approaches are used to understand the concepts behind a system, these theories and approaches are essential elements in the process of conflict identification and resolution. ... Considering this situation, it can also be said that system theories are necessary in the decision-making process of information system creation as those influence the design of the system. Decision Levels and Types of Problems The decision-making process in creating an information system consists of a combination of complex problems and solution. As mentioned by Skyttner (2005, p. 400), there are three types of problems (structured, semi-structured, and unstructured) and three decision levels (operational, tactical, and strategical) involved in the decision-making process. Additionally Skyttner (2005, p. 400) explains that structured problems refer to problems that can be broken down into different quantifiable elements while semi-structured problems points to problems that are â€Å"partly structured and partly unstructured. Furthermore, unstructured problems refer to problems that do not have clear conventions, which require the evaluative and insightful capacity of decision-make rs. Aside from the impact system theories in the identification of the problem structure, those theories are also essential in recognizing the appropriate decision level that should be maintained in conflict resolution process. In the words of Schmidt and Wilhelm (2000, p. 1510), the tactical level in the decision-making process refers to â€Å"the material flow of from suppliers to production facilities. In this process, decision-makers are able to choose the material that should be used in operation as well as where to get those materials. Following the tactical level in the decision-making process is the strategic level wherein decision-makers prescribe the use of specific materials in the production. Thus, strategic level decisions consist of pronouncements regarding production

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Nazism and Free Speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Nazism and Free Speech - Essay Example The challenges that each posed to the other would be analysed in this paper. Nazism as a form of government and political ideology is detrimental to the flourishing of free speech. This can be seen in the suppression of the power of the press in a country that is under the Nazi regime. The importance of the press in shaping public opinion and rallying the dissent of a nation is well known and the suppression of freedom in this area hits at the very roots of the principles of free speech in a nation. John A. Hess’s article on Nazism and free speech, written while the Nazi regime was still in power in Germany, talks about the different views that were prevalent regarding the success of Nazism and the freedom that the press in different countries enjoyed. The article points on how commentators in Germany talked of the freedom of press in relative terms. According to them, countries like England and France do not provide their press with freedom. The reason that is advanced for th is is that the press in these countries, in order to survive, is excessively dependent upon the opinion of the people. The commentator who is referred to in the article points out how the sales of the newspapers in these countries dipped when matters that were not of immediate interest to the people were not published. This is, however, a weak argument as the news that is of importance to the people is what ought to be published in any democracy. In this case, it is the people who have the rights to decide which piece of news is worthy of publication and which one is not. Thus, the supreme authority rests with the people and not with the state functionaries. This is not the case in a Nazi state where the members of the ruling party have the power to be autocratic in deciding the topics that are to be dealt with by the press. This authority of the state subverts the very fundamentals of the idea of the freedom of the press. Hess later in his article points out how the people in democ ratic countries like America had the right to question the state in which they found the press, a right that was not available to people who were a part of countries ruled by the Nazi regimes. This argument again, strikes at the mistakes of the arguments that were made by apologists of the Nazi regime. The article, thus, demonstrates the hollowness of the arguments that were advanced by such people regarding the freedom that the press enjoyed under the Nazi regime. It also reveals that the freedom to question and protest were the most important rights that a person had under a democracy. Even if the state of things is not perfect in a democracy, as long as the right to protest remained intact, the press of the country could be considered to be free, according to Hess. The article demonstrates how the people of a certain nation, in an attempt to be apologists of the existing regime of the country, can be blind to the obvious. Hess manages to point out clearly the defects of the Nazi regime and the positives of a democratic form of government being opposed to it. Works Cited Hess, John A. â€Å"Free Speech and the Nazi Press†. The German Quarterly, 11(4) 1938. Web. 28th Mar. 2012.

Huffman Trucking Knowledge Worker- Terence Essay

Huffman Trucking Knowledge Worker- Terence - Essay Example Its mission clearly states the business’ strategic plans to survive in the logistics market. It motivates employees from every department by reminding them that profit making and competitiveness are the core principles of the firm’s success. Huffman’s facilities have been strategically located to ensure that both services and corporate support have been tactically diversified. Thesis statement: Huffman has outsourced its infrastructure and networks. A knowledge worker through analyzing the systems will come up with different ideas to support the firm and vice versa (Davenport 2013). Huffman has an information system that helps it in running operations between the four branches. The network has ensured the California, New Jersey, Missouri and Ohio facility are connected together. A remote backup site has also been set up to ensure communications between the four stations possible. Huffman offers logistical services meaning the need for constant communication with the fleet due to customer preferences. The information systems structure has made it possible for clients and staff to access information instantly when needed (Peterson and Davie 2012). Corporate communications from the corporate headquarters in Ohio are facilitated by the information systems infrastructure. It connects each and every department that include executive offices, marketing, sales, accounting and human resource. The administration at the corporate office has been provided with high-speed computers and printers depending on the number of employees in each department. The marketing department issues employees with mac-book computers, unlike others with HP to ensure class and a close connection to the public. Huffman’s computers have internal memories of one terabyte to ensure that vast information and data can be stored based on the size of the fleet. Other high-speed specs such as RAM and internal speeds have been emphasized ensuring

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Nazism and Free Speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Nazism and Free Speech - Essay Example The challenges that each posed to the other would be analysed in this paper. Nazism as a form of government and political ideology is detrimental to the flourishing of free speech. This can be seen in the suppression of the power of the press in a country that is under the Nazi regime. The importance of the press in shaping public opinion and rallying the dissent of a nation is well known and the suppression of freedom in this area hits at the very roots of the principles of free speech in a nation. John A. Hess’s article on Nazism and free speech, written while the Nazi regime was still in power in Germany, talks about the different views that were prevalent regarding the success of Nazism and the freedom that the press in different countries enjoyed. The article points on how commentators in Germany talked of the freedom of press in relative terms. According to them, countries like England and France do not provide their press with freedom. The reason that is advanced for th is is that the press in these countries, in order to survive, is excessively dependent upon the opinion of the people. The commentator who is referred to in the article points out how the sales of the newspapers in these countries dipped when matters that were not of immediate interest to the people were not published. This is, however, a weak argument as the news that is of importance to the people is what ought to be published in any democracy. In this case, it is the people who have the rights to decide which piece of news is worthy of publication and which one is not. Thus, the supreme authority rests with the people and not with the state functionaries. This is not the case in a Nazi state where the members of the ruling party have the power to be autocratic in deciding the topics that are to be dealt with by the press. This authority of the state subverts the very fundamentals of the idea of the freedom of the press. Hess later in his article points out how the people in democ ratic countries like America had the right to question the state in which they found the press, a right that was not available to people who were a part of countries ruled by the Nazi regimes. This argument again, strikes at the mistakes of the arguments that were made by apologists of the Nazi regime. The article, thus, demonstrates the hollowness of the arguments that were advanced by such people regarding the freedom that the press enjoyed under the Nazi regime. It also reveals that the freedom to question and protest were the most important rights that a person had under a democracy. Even if the state of things is not perfect in a democracy, as long as the right to protest remained intact, the press of the country could be considered to be free, according to Hess. The article demonstrates how the people of a certain nation, in an attempt to be apologists of the existing regime of the country, can be blind to the obvious. Hess manages to point out clearly the defects of the Nazi regime and the positives of a democratic form of government being opposed to it. Works Cited Hess, John A. â€Å"Free Speech and the Nazi Press†. The German Quarterly, 11(4) 1938. Web. 28th Mar. 2012.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

BUS Unit 3 Individual Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

BUS Unit 3 Individual Project - Essay Example Since then the firm has contributed in production of a large number of commercial cars (PRLOG, 2013). Several automotive components are also manufactured by the company. Apart from America, Ford Motors operates across all the continents in the globe. It offers a substantial amount of employment opportunities in all the economies in which it operates (Webster, 1995). Perhaps, that is the reason for which the Australian government fears for job losses, when Ford decided to cease its manufacturing outlet in Geelong by 2013 due to high manufacturing costs (News Geelong, 2013). Despite of being an American company, Ford cars were visible in the streets of London since 1903. At present its European branch serves 42 countries in the continent with excellent cars, buses and trucks (Banham, 2002). Answer 2: Ford Motors Company has many comparative advantages in the highly competitive market of automobile industry. It has an establish business and enjoys the benefits of a big learning curve. I ts expertise has introduced varied cars in terms of designs and prices, so it targets consumers of all income groups. It comprises of a big pool of resources, like 160000 employees across the world. Its visibility and marketing strategies are excellent. It participates in sponsorship programs in sports events like Formula 1 and taps the young potential consumers. As the company enjoys a wide customer base, it experiences lower cost of production due to economies of scale. The unique design and quality of the Ford cars have substantially helped its brand worth in the market (Moffett, n.d.). Answer 3: The current recession and the economic crisis in the European nations have reduced the overall circulation of money in the economy (Rogers, 2001). Low purchasing powers have created detrimental effect in the aggregate demand for cars in the automobile industry. Ford can always use its experienced technical expertise to feature new models of cars that are less in price and are affordable in the current crisis situations. The company has large pool of financial resources, these resources of the company should be utilized to open more branches and tap the potential customers of the emerging economies in the world like China and India. This would help the company augment its sales in this scarce epoch (Volti, 2004). Answer 4: The governments of most of the nations impose lot of rules and regulations in the automobile industry, primarily due to issues relating to environment. The automobile companies are now forced to pay higher taxes of manufacturing traditional petrol cars. This is a pivotal reason for which giant firms like Ford are engaging in the manufacture of hybrid or electric cars. The gross manufacturing costs of such cars are very high and require high investments in its required car technologies. The total number of consumers for such expensive cars is also less. ‘Focus Electric’ is the electric car manufactured by Ford (Ford, 2013). The company desires to successfully launch the pricy car in 2014 worldwide. The taxes imposed by the governments on companies like Ford are high as Ford cars are considered as luxury items. This reduces the economic reserves of the company, which could be otherwise used in the innovation and development purposes. Since the company operates across many nations in the world, it faces the exchange rate or currency fluctuations risks. Like the high value of Australian

The Landlady by Roald Dahl Essay Example for Free

The Landlady by Roald Dahl Essay Slightly shocked from the answer to the question just asked, Billy took another sip of his tea frantically trying to think of something to say. Placing the cup of Tea onto the coaster he took a gasp complementing on the tea, the landlady smiling as he did so. And then without warning he just blurted a question out, So why the others not joining us from upstairs. The landlady took a grin and answered his question well Gregory and Christopher, have not been feeling well recently, so I have been looking after them, they are ever so polite much like you. The way she said it made it sound like she was there mother! Giving a giant yarn, Billy stood up and stretched. I am awfully sorry but best be off to bed now, I have a long day tomorrow. I bet you do, she smirked. All of a sudden she began to lift up he heavy skirt show off her stockings and in the side was a giant curved knife, Billy stood back in shock. She stood up with the knife, the blade reflecting the wall light. What you doing with that? Billy squeaked. All of sudden she launched like a speeding bullet, and with lightening reactions Billy chucked his burning turning in the landladys eyes. Billy ran for his life and at the same time he could hear the landladys frantic screams as he climbed the landing stairs, racing up to his room. He closed the door and locking it behind him. Silently he moved swiftly to his briefcase, and started cramming all his possession into it. And then he heard a thuder of the landlady charging up the stairs like a possessed elephant, he hid behind the door And has he looked over he saw an old mop, not been used for years he took hold of it, Dust left a heavy trail behind it, And waited behind the door he could hear her breathing heavy and droopy like she was ready to swipe someones head off! He heard the lock click and the door swung open hitting him in the face, slightly dazed but still conscious Billy saw the landlady walk in knife first, he didnt give her anytime to think he swung the mop and smashed the landlady around the head she fell to the ground like a sac of spuds. Billy looked closer at the sick and twisted face of the evil witch, Billy had never knocked anyone out before the sudden sensation made him feel proud but hed never guess in a million years he would knock out a fifty-year-old woman! Billy eyes caught hold of the ring of keys around her belt, discreetly he unclipped them, grabbed his case and walked out of the room again locking it (permanently) behind him. Dazzled and tired of the ordeal Billy put his briefcase down and sat on it, looking at the 3rd floor stairs in mystery. Then he remembered what the landlady had said about Gregory and Christopher who was upstairs because they werent feeling very well, if she had tried to knife him, Imagine what she has done to them! With his decision made Billy started to climb the gloomy stairs. Dust was on the railing he wiped it off as he went up. When he got to the top he found himself gazing at two rooms, he decided to take the one closeted on the right. Billy edge open the door a dirt musty smell Hit is face it smelled like vinegar. He walked in and looked around the room in confusion Billy wasnt expecting what he was going to find in here. The room was exactly like his except of the horrendous smell, and as he look at the bed he noticed it was occupied! Hello Billy shouted, it was as silent as it were when he comes in shot to the bed and slowly lifted the covers 2 dead bodies were laid there. It made Billy nearly be sick in his mouth, they defiantly not feeling well he thought! No sain human being could have done this, he thought to himself. The bodies were like to pickles. Billy stared at the crackling fire in the room. Thing of nothing but hate for the landlady. Malice and hate built up inside. And with no warning or control Billy threw a burning hot ember glowing log from the fire to the bed of stuffed men. Within minutes the bed was completely on fire the smell of burning flesh was touching his nostrils, Black smoke was collecting on the ceiling Billy decided to take his exit. Billy closed the door behind him the heat of the handle scolding his hands; he walked down the landing stairs hammering his feet down every step. When he reached the bottom it appeared the landlady had awoken and was screaming at the top of her voice Smoke, smoke wheres it coming from What ever you have done you will regret it, you will regret this Billy Wilkins! Hey hag!, its weaver get it right. Billy stormed down the rest of the stairs with a satisfied grin on his face. He entered the front room, and walked next to the fire were she had revealed the knife at him. He spread the fire out around the front room with the smell of the smoke going thicker and thicker. Billy exited the creepy BB locking it behind him, then chucking the keys in the bin. Billy watched the burning inferno until he felt the tiredness reach him again, and went to go and find the bell and dragon. 50 years later. It had been 50 years to the day that Billy had that terrible encounter with landlady but he can still remember what had happened yesterday, it had left a mental scar on his mind. Billy was on his way to bath of all places for the last meeting before his official retirement suddenly the train stopped and the announcer announced that they where at bath. Billy got off the train and like he had done 50 years ago made his way down the path that had led him to such a cruel place. He walked down the empty street many of the houses were bordered up and rusting away, allot had changed in 50 years Billy thought to himself. Then he got to the place of the terrible BB and has Billy looked up the building had been rebuilt exactly has it had fallen he walked across the road to get a better look at it. Then a young man was walking down street a lot like he had done all them years ago he look at the sign and knocked on the door. The door swivelled open straight away, and with a horror Billys past there stood the un aged unchanged, Landlady! Shivers crawled up Billys legs as she greeted the young man. It was like a Ghost from Billys past that wont go away, the young man walked in and as he passed in Billy saw the landlady licking her lips, and slamming the door!

Monday, October 14, 2019

Kurdish Conflict Regulation

Kurdish Conflict Regulation 1.4. Definitions As Milton- Edwards says, before examining the specific manifestations of the main subject, it is important to outline some of other important related definitions (2008). To analyze and discuss Kurdish conflict regulation in the Republic of Turkey, one needs to define Turkey’s system in relation to the Kurds as an ethnic minority in that country. Ethnicity and its related issues are important enough for scholars to consider it as one of main forces to shape the world. Brass claims â€Å"ethnicity and nationalism, interethnic conflicts, and secessionist movements have been major forces shaping the modern world and the structure and stability of contemporary states† (1991). Zuelow in ‘Nationalism Journals’ like Brass about national identity and its potency says national identity has been one of the principals force shaping the course of history, certainly since the French Revolution† (1999). In addition, he believes that national identity has played a key role in revolutions, wars and state-formation (Ibid). When people of different ethnicity are living in one territory and one group generally has the majority rule on other groups in non-democratic ways, it is the starting point of conflict. Bruce Gilley defined â€Å"ethnic conflict as sustained and violent conflict by ethnically distinct actors in which the issue is integral to one ethnicity† (2004, 1160). In the same source, he uses other terms such as ‘ethnic violence’ or ‘ethnic war’ for ethnic conflict (Ibid, 1155). ‘Ethnic conflict regulation’ is the other term should be defined here. There are many definitions for ethnic conflict regulation in different references. Wolff believes â€Å"conflict regulation comprises three elements: prevention, management, and settlement: Conflict prevention aims at channeling conflict into non-violent behavior by providing incentives for peaceful accommodation. Conflict management is the attempt to contain, limit or direct the effects of an ongoing ethnic conflict. Conflict settlement aims at establishing an institutional framework in which the conflicting interests of different ethnic groups can be accommodated to extent the incentives to non-violent and cooperation condition† (2009, 1). Ilievski Wolff define ethnic conflict regulation through institutional design that conflicts can be resolved via an institutional bargain that establishes macro-level structures through which disputes among the conflict parties can be addressed politically and without recourse to violence† (2010, 5-6). McGarry and OLeary claim, â€Å"The term of ‘regulation’ is inclusive and it covers both conflict termination and conflict management. Eight distinct macro-methods of ethnic conflict regulation can be distinguished into two methods for eliminating differences and methods for managing differences† (1993, 4). The Republic of Turkey was founded on the main principles, or ‘six arrows’, of Kemalism. These principles are republicanism, nationalism, secularism, populism, statism and revolutionism (Los Angeles Times 2014). Kemal Ataturk and his followers have defined Turkey as a pro-Western, modern and democratic country. The two subjects of ethnic minority rights and Islamism, based on two principles of Turkish nationalism and secularism, were taboo for many decades. The Welfare Party in the general election for the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TGNA) in 1995 captured the majority of seats. Necmettin Erbakan came to power as the first Islamist Prime Minister in the Republic of Turkey in 1996. Although the age of his Cabinet was just one year, it was enough to break the taboo of the secularism principle as a ban for Islamist political parties. Nonetheless, the years of 1990s and Ãâ€"zal’s speeches about Kurdish people as an ethnic minority in Turkey, can be looked as a s tarting point, at least one decade was needed to start to break the one-nation-one- state idea in Turkey. In respect of Kurdish ethnic regulation in Turkey, the definition of ‘Double Standard’ seems to fit with institutions and constitutional laws in Turkey. â€Å"Double standard is a situation in which two people or groups are treated very differently from each other in a way that is unfair to one of them† (merriam-webster dictionary 2014) or â€Å"a set of principles that applies differently and usually more rigorously to one group of people or circumstances than to another† ( and (Ibid). Park, referring to Guney (2006-2007) and Uslu (2008a) says, â€Å"a major explanatory factor behind Turkey’s resistance to the adoption of more contrition to the Armenian fate, or a more inclusive embracing of its Kurdish citizens, is the intensity of Turkish nationalism (2012, 23). The ‘Turkish history thesis’ insist that the Turks of central Asia constituted the world’s first civilized people, who had provided the root of all other world civilizations (Park 2012,23). Associated with the history thesis was the ‘Sun language theory’ which claims that â€Å"Turks were the originators of language itself and that all other languages were thus derived from or linked to it (Cagaptay 2002; Arkman 2006)† (Park 2012,24). Security systems, militaristic approaches, economic and human rights conditions in West and Center of the country, or overall for Turks, has been different from non-Turk minorities in Turkey. Kurds, as approximately 20% of Turkeys population, have been forbidden from the basic rights for about one century. In the meantime, supporting the rights of the Turkish language population as citizens of other countries has been one of the main principles of Turkeys Foreign Policies. These types of different approaches can be described as forms of a double standard policy. Sometimes these dual policies have caused conflict for Turkey and have pushed the country from a zero-problem to a zero-friend situation. Park, when defining the Republic of Turkey, refers to Yavuz and Eposito (2003:xx1) in that they claim â€Å"when Ataturk died in 1938, Kemalism was ‘neither democratic nor liberal but Authoritarian, elitist, and ideological† (2012, 13). However, Urrutia and Villellas look at Turkey as a ‘consolidating democracy’ (2012, 2) in their description of Turkey’s system. Gulcan Saglam (2012) looks at Turkey under the rule of AKP as a ‘semi-democratic state’ that may be more compatible with the current conditions in Turkey and useful for this study. A semi-democratic state is defined as a state that has democratic principles and an authoritarian rule in practice at the same time, but they are neither entirely authoritarian nor fully democratic. The semi-democratic state, by Akinola (2013) definition, is â€Å"a state that supports democracy as an idea, but fails to reach the application of its principles.The principles of freedom speech and association, free and fair election as well as transparency in government constitute essential characters of the democratic state†. Saglam says â€Å"in semi-democratic political settings with strong authoritarian actors, political parties that build broad coalitions consisting of various power centers in the society via group specific policy promises will be more likely to shift the balance of power in favor of themselves than actors that lack such connections† (2012, 37-8). He believes â€Å"The AKP is the first Islamist political party in Turkey that pursued this strategy, and it was these group-specific policy promises that eventually helped the Party to repel the Kemalist state structure and shift the balance of power in favor of itself† (Ibid). 1.5. The Problem and Rationale Ethnic identity and ethnic conflict have been the most complicated issues among societies and have remained as double bind ties in domestic, regional and international levels, especially in developing countries. Ethnic conflict has a connection and interrelation with other themes such as gender, political economy and democratization in different aspects (Milton-Edwards 2008, 1). Beavis asserts that â€Å"ethnic conflict studies can be seen as a source for understanding international relations but single book; concept or theory is not able to explain such a complex phenomenon in its entirety† (1999-2012). Ethnic conflict is often considered as a local or intra-state issue, but indeed, it has had effect on both intra-state and inter-state relations. The Uppsala Conflict Data Program (UCDP) answers the question ‘How many conflicts were there in the world in 2011?’ (UCDP 2011) and clarifies the number and rank of ‘intrastate conflicts’ in comparison to other kinds of conflict in that year, claiming that â€Å"in 2011, UCDP recorded 37 active armed conflicts†(Ibid). Based on the same source, from thirty-seven armed conflicts in 2011 that took place in 30 different parts of the world, 27 of them were intrastate, nine intrastate with foreign involvement. Cambodia-Thailand (common border) was the only case among them registered as interstate conflict. Turkey was among five Middle Eastern countries having intrastate Kurdish conflict; that it did not introduce to a level of war until 2011. The above chart from UCDP (2013) shows the type and number of armed conflicts from 1946-2012. It shows the extra state conflict just until 1974, interstate conflicts have decreased and internationalized conflicts have had slow increase since 2004. However, the numbers of intrastate conflicts have had significant increase especially from the 1960’s. In comparison with international wars from 1950s, Civil Wars have been more frequent and more durable. Ethnic wars have been main part of civil wars. For instance, 55% in 1970 and 72% in 1991 of civil wars have been ethnic wars. During the 1990s, more than 200 ethnic minorities or subordinate majorities in the world have struggled to achieve their political rights ( Johnson 2008). Caselli and Coleman refer to Fearon and Laitin (2003) in that from 1945 to 1999, the numbers of ethnic civil wars have been 58, equal to 51% of all civil wars in that period; and they believe that more silent and worth noting are the non-violent conflicts (2011). In some countries, ethnic groups compete through overtly ethnic parties, and compete for power, but in others, a dominant group discriminates against and exploits the others (Ibid). â€Å"Esman (1994, 229) believes when an ethnic group gains control of the state, important economic assets are soon transferred to the members of that community† (Ibid 2011, 2). Gilley disagrees with some definitions of the concept of ethnic conflict and looks at it as a critic, but, he accepts the importance and widespread of this conflict in reality. He looks the rise amount of researches and academic studies in this field as a ‘major growth industry’ and he has made reference to the number of published books and online articles in specific periods in comparison with previous periods. He claims that the ethnic conflict issue is a more attractive subject to be studied by new journals and research centers. He announces that the numbers of published books and online articles in the English language under the title of ‘ethnic conflict’ have been 43 books since 1990 in comparison to 17 before that and 249 online academic English-language articles with the title of ‘ethnic conflict’, but just 23 articles under the ‘class conflict’ title for the same years (2004). McGarry and O’Leary refer to deep geo-political changes in different parts of the world, especially in Africa; for instance in Angola, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Namibia and Zimbabwe and finally in South Africa by extinction of Apartheid regime in the last decades of 20th century. All of them show the power of ethnicity to mobilize populations and create mass movements to redefine the borders. They say, â€Å"The renewed instability of state frontiers is merely one symptom of the global political power of ethnic consciousness and conflict† (1993, 2), and they say, â€Å"a reason why ethnic questions are potentially explosive, and raise the possibility that some people(s) will be tempted to exercise self-determination through secession is simple. Ethnic questions raise relatively non-tradable issues. It is obvious nationality, language; territorial homelands and culture are not bargain-able products (Ibid 1993). Previous explanations and definitions show the importance and role of ethnicity, nationalism and ethnic conflicts and its rank in academic research. Kurdish ethnic conflict is one of the most complex issues in the Middle East. Kurds have struggled for more than one century for freedom and to achieve self-determination in Kurdish regions. The states that have controlled parts of Kurdistan have denied, suppressed and assimilated Kurds. It has brought unfavorable consequences for all sides. Turkey as having approximately 20% of its population as Kurdish minority, basing its state on Kemalism ideology and Turkish nationalism, has been one of the most atrocious regimes against Kurdish political movements. The bloody violence from 1984 between PKK and Turkey’s military has taken place. The consequences of that war have been more than 40,000 deaths, more disabled people, imprisonment and millions forced to be immigrants and refugees. In the past few years, Turkey with PKK and its in jailed leader, Abdulla Ó ¦calan, has entered into peace negotiations. This subject is a new opening in Turkish nationalism. The first sign of change was in the speeches of statesmen about the Kurdish ethnic conflict regulation, back in the 1990’s and Ó ¦zal; who believed in a multicultural society for Turkey. The most behavioral and practical changes have been attributable to Erdogan and the AKP administration from 2002 to 2014. This current issue and its effect on the Kurdish political condition in Turkey and other countries and the democratization process in local and regional realms, has become worthy enough for academic research study.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

In-just by e. e. cummings Essay -- essays research papers

Upon looking at e. e. cummings’s poem, â€Å"in Just-†,perhaps, two features immediately become apparent: the use of white space between some words and lines, and the multiple use of a single word supporting an entire line. To a lesser degree, the poem’s visual also features the boys’ and girls’ names joined together as though they were each one, and the capitalization of the â€Å"m† in â€Å"balloonMan† towards the poem’s end. All these features contribute to how the poem will be read, and when the poem is read, the sound, furthered by alliteration, assumes an alternating rhythm of excitement and measured awareness. That is, an accelerated tempo that reflects the excited manner of child-like exuberance for springtime revelry, and the lull in tempo that is attributed to the measured awareness or ambivalent feelings felt towards the â€Å" goat-footed balloonMan.† The poem’s rapid and then measured tempo creates an artistic tension that coincides with the speaker’s account of a remembered spring. By employing white space, alliteration, compressed conjunctions, and some unconventional capitalization, e. e. cummings creates a dream vision of a remembered springtime- revelry that reads with both excitement and a measured awareness. White space is used after the first line, â€Å"in Just-†, by cummings to emphasize the speaker’s observation that only in spring do the following things happen. The white space after â€Å"spring† in the second line suggests that the speaker ponders first what his audience later learns to be a springtime memory . The white space is quite obviously used for the benefit of someone listening to the poem being read. The white space in the first line between â€Å"Just-† and â€Å"spring† of the second line builds suspense when the reader pauses to simulate white space, and again, after â€Å"spring† when a child-like description defines what is uniquely available only in the spring. That is â€Å"when the world is mud- / luscious†(lines 1-2). Almost immediately cummings uses white space to direct the sound and rhythm of the poem that is not unlike conversation. A gradual dream-like state is suggested to the poem’s audience by cummings’s â€Å"far and wee† refrain, which is given increasing white space and therefore longer pauses, until each word of the refrain supports its own line. Initially the refrain complements the speaker’s excited springtime revelry; in fact, line five flows nicely... ...rbles and / piracies and it’s / spring†(7 -9) or the alliteration found â€Å"from hop-scotch and jump-rope†(15) ,wish to return and repeat it because the lines are fun to say. This pleasant effect must be attributed to the speaker’s springtime revelry who also must wish to return to these activities if not for the constant stressful reminder of â€Å"the queer/ old balloonman [whistling] / far and wee†(11 - 13). The poem’s conflicting tempos add tension to the speaker’s springtime memory, but the slowing of the tempo through cummings’s use of alliteration focuses the audience on the two emotional elements: springtime celebration and the ambivalence felt towards the ever-present â€Å"balloonMan†(21). â€Å"in Just-† is probably a good example of a free-verse poem. The poem’s visual appearance might be compared to a page of dialogue within a drama-script . What makes cummings’s poem better is the direction given to the reader, such as the odd capitalization to suggest an accented syllable, or the white space to imply a pause, better still, his use of compressed conjunctions to effect haste and emphatic tones, add the repetitive refrains for accent and syncopation and one could set this poem to music.

Friday, October 11, 2019

korn :: essays research papers

Born in Bakersfield, California, Korn has become one of the most popular new bands of the nineties. They have revolutionized heavy-metal music as we know it (or used to know it), by injecting several different musical influences into traditional rock, from hip-hop and rap, to 70's funk music. This strange blend gives Korn a sound of its own. It is because of them that we coined the phrase: â€Å"hardcore metal†.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Korn’s first single â€Å"Blind† opened up the doors for hardcore music in 1994. The song introduced lightning fast drum arrangements, frightening guitar riffs, hammer style bass lines, and scratchy, screaming vocals. â€Å"Blind† also introduced a new wave of instrument playing by the use of a seven string guitar that is tuned down from the standard EBGDAE to a strange DAFCGDA. The form of low tuning has become a model to hardcore music. Some of the most common bands such as Limp Bizkit and Staind have adapted to using low tunings in their guitar playing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Blind† is a typical drug song that simply explains the singer’s experience with drug use, and how it provided an escape from the pain he had endured as a young adult. He wants to leave the world and start all over again, but doesn’t know how, so he uses drugs to distort his reality. The chorus is typical of the hardcore sound because he is filled with so much rage and anger that makes it hard to understand what he is saying. The song is played by a five piece band which is typical of a hard core rock band of today. It pushes away from the conventional four piece band that flourished within all rock bands.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It has the elements of the rock sound because it includes a singer backed up by two guitarists, a drummer, and bass player.

English composition Task

Since my teenage I wanted to become a computer engineer and work for multinational organization which not only pays well but also will have the opportunity to travel abroad. I am from a middle class Indian family where bearing the costs of studying from an English medium school is hard and yet my parents helped me study in English medium school. I studied English medium during all my schooling which helped me develop my literacy skills. I started learning computers since my 10th grade..This was the time of mid 1995 when the computer classes were first introduced in my school in India and I was one f the member of the first batches that was offered the basics of computer and little bit of programming. This was the beginning and I was getting interested to learn more about computers. We also had to take up a exam at the end of the course to prove our competency in the subject though it was not part of the 10th grade board exam. I scored 83 out of 100 which gave me confidence that I can succeed in this field of study.From there on during my 1 lth and 12th grade I took computer science as my specialization and also completed Bachelor's Degree in computer science. After y graduation it was time to look for my dream Job but consulting with friends, family and seniors in college I realized that the degree that I earned is not Just enough to get my dream Job and due to my interest in Hardware and Networking I immediately Joined specialization course in computer hardware and networking which is a rigorous training for one year in a private institute to equip myself with the right skills and be competent to face the Job interviews.While pursuing the course, I got a Job from a small local computer hardware firm which I only worked for couple of days and quit as I was not able to continue the course. Immediately after completing specialization in computer hardware and networking I started looking for my dream job. I initially started attending Job interviews of non multina tional organizations to understand the interview process and also to know my weaknesses so that I could improve myself.The interview process usually includes four rounds, first round is the written test which comprises of aptitude test, English grammar, computer hardware and computer networking, second round is a group discussion or communication round where a topic will be given and we will need to effectively discuss about the opic with proper tone and confidence, third round is a technical round where I will have to face an interview with computer hardware expert and final round will be with human resources personnel who will talk about the Joining process and company policies and procedures if selected for the Job.After attending a few interviews for different organizations and not able to succeed through the interviews, I worked on my weakness and was able to finally obtain a Job in a multinational intormation technology organization Hewlett Packard in India as a Technical Supp ort Engineer with the help of my literacy skills and technical competency. It was August 11 2003, 9 pm when all the interview process was completed and confirmed that I got through the interview and secured a Job. That was the proudest and happiest moment in my life which was so sweet.My family also was so proud of me about my achievement. As I started working for Hewlett Packard I never looked back. I had to go through training process for another couple of months on Hewlett Packard products and also soft skills on how to talk to customers on phone. My Job included communicating with the United States customers of Hewlett Packard and help them fix any issues with the Hewlett Packard products. With the skills I obtained academically and professionally I was able to succeed in the Job which helped not only me to grow but also my family.After 2 years to further improve my literacy skills I pursued Master's Degree in computer applications from a distance education university in India w hile I was working. This further enhanced my competency and helped me secure a much better position at work. Thus my literacy skills helped me get my dream Job in a multinational organization which not only helped me grow personally and professionally but also my family grow economically. This is a dream come true.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

A Personal Story

In my essay I am going to share a personal story with you that will tell you how I had to face hardships in order to pursue my studies. It’s all basically related to my education.So my story starts off from the time when I was studying at school. I was an above average student in the junior classes but once I started getting promoted to higher classes, my grades were affected and they started declining.Things worsened for me when I reached the tenth grade. I was in my O-levels at that time and so I had to leave school as my family was also facing a financial crisis.Once I left school, I appeared for my O-levels exams as a private candidate and after completing my O-levels, I joined a local school as an English teacher.Teaching English was not my only subject, I was also assigned to teach some of the other English subjects such as General Knowledge, Geography, History, etc. along with mathematics to the students of grade two, three and four. Although I was not much satisfied wi th the compensation I was getting but it was indeed a good start as I did not have any previous experience of teaching before and even my qualifications were not much as I had just done my O-levels at that time.Side by side, I started preparing to sit for A-levels examinations for which I choose three subjects. However, teaching was a hard job but along with teaching I decided to prepare for my exams but mostly due to lack of time I could not study.Other than that, as it was my first experience of working anywhere, I had to learn a lot as to how to respond or react to certain situations as I am a kind of person who very frequently gets angry at things and gets irritated by any small thing but at work, I had to control my impatience.This was the time when I started taking things in a different way. Although I was still impatient and fussy about things but I had to accept things that I was being told by my seniors to do. Therefore, I learnt to be patient and how to respond to things. In the world outside it’s usually that you always cannot say the things in a way that you really feel. However, one has to be very much careful due to the persisting politics in an organization and same was for the school I was working at.Moreover, working here made me learn new things that were proved to be helpful for my career and for my future. During this time, I became fussy about some things and I did plan to resign but my resignation never used to be accepted as the principal wanted me to continue working for her. Months passed and the date of my A-levels examinations came nearer and nearer that created a tension for me.As I mentioned above, I am not a brilliant student who could understand the concepts just by reading the books once. Therefore, to prepare for my examinations, I talked to my employer and asked him for an early off every day so that I could go home early and I could study. There were just three months left for my examinations when I started studying fo r my examinations and that too along with the work load of the place I was working at.Finally, the date of my examination came and I appeared for my A-levels examinations. The result was supposed to be announced a couple of months later. Meanwhile, I was still working at the school and during that time I also started preparing for my entrance test for my bachelors degree that was to be held a month after my A-levels examinations.Therefore, I gave my entrance test and was glad to know that I had cleared it. A few days later, I had my interview at my university and I cleared that as well. This was the time when I finally resigned and left the job as my university was to start within a month. I worked at the school for more or less a year.Meanwhile, I prepared for my university that started soon. I used all my savings to pay my university tuition fee and in the end I was left with nothing. Therefore, to cope up with my financial expenses, I decided to give home tuitions to the students .These students basically used to be from primary level classes and the basic subjects that I used to give tuitions for were English and Mathematics. I kept on giving tuitions to different students throughout as I was supposed to pay my university tuition fees as still my family was facing a financial crisis. Therefore, to continue my studies, I had to continue giving tuitions to the students.At university, I was enjoying my life although studies at this level got a little tougher and I had to study hard in order to achieve good grades in the courses I appeared for. Besides the academics, I took part in the extra circular activities at my university such as in sports, declamation contests, drama, etc. and this was the fun part of the time I used to spend at the university besides the stress of the studies.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Tips to Do Good in Examinations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Tips to Do Good in Examinations - Essay Example Students must ensure they have complete notes when preparing for an exam so that they will not miss out any item. It will be wise to keep a notebook for every subject despite having a module, textbook or handouts. The notebook should be used to note down important ideas, reminders, and insights arising from class discussions or textual reading. Once students have gathered the notes, they are ready to review for the exam. Second, practice making predictions. Making predictions regarding the items that will appear in the exams is a useful skill to facilitate review. Taking hold of the course syllabus, students can predict what may come out in the exam. Some students do not realize that the syllabus contains clues regarding assessments. For one thing, teachers prepare tests (quizzes and long tests) based on the course objectives. Thus, reviewing the objectives of the course is necessary to know the knowledge and skills to be evaluated. Third, make notes for review. Making separate notes on a clean sheet of paper will help to attain better mastery. In particular, rewriting ideas is better than just reading notes. One strategy in making notes is to make the reviewer notes handy. Handy notes are easy to carry around and read instead of a notebook or textbook. Students may use a bond paper folded in four to write notes for review. ... Some students may find it more useful to post notes on the walls of their bedrooms. This practice is best for visual people (Learning Styles Explained). That way, they can go over the notes every time they glance at the walls or before retiring to bed and waking up. It will also help to vary the color of the posted notes for better recall. Meanwhile, auditory students may choose to record their voice while reading notes. The recorded recitation may be played repeatedly until mastery is achieved. Kinesthetic students may use a large board to write notes on. Writing notes on the board makes use of movements, which is best for kinesthetic learners. Fourth, test oneself. When reviewing, students should test themselves if they are retaining what they read. This is particularly important for tests requiring memorization. After memorizing, students should close their eyes and recite what they have memorized. Making acrostics out of the first letters of the terms to be memorized may help fac ilitate memorization. Likewise, jotting down memorized ideas will serve as a form of practice. Moreover, explaining what the terms mean promotes better cognitive skills. In doing this, students may record their voice so they can go over their recorded speech any time they want to. Fifth, seek a review partner. Reviewing with a partner is recommended to assess mastery. The other person will ask questions to be answered by the student without holding notes. It is recommended to have someone from the same class so that students can discuss or clarify ideas they are studying. Questioning each other will test mastery of what was studied individually. Additionally, preparing a mock test for each other may help. Student may prepare questions based on